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Howdy 2014, Goodbye 2013!

Posted by Alexandra C. | Wednesday January 1, 20145 comments

Happy New Year Chicks! It is 2014 and we couldn't be more excited to kick this year off with you! Over the past year, we've built this amazing community and we know that 2014 is only going to bring more laughs, more fun and more CA goodness and love. In the spirit of the new year, we decided to share some of our resolutions with you: 

Karen, our lovely Vice President of Marketing and Brand Engagement says: To take time to count my blessings every day. And swear less.

The wonderful Rachel says: Live in the present. It sounds cheesey, but the planner inside me has always caused me to always be thinking ahead to the point where I am no longer embracing the moment I am currently in. I'm slowly discovering that beautiful things can happen if you just "trust and surrender" (my favourite mantra) that everything will work out for the best.

The ever gorgeous Ali tells us: I would like to exercise more. Everything in my life is better when I exercise. Right now it's just once a week. Upping that by a day or two will allow me to bake and eat more cookies. 

Our yummy mummy salesperson Maggie's resolution is: I would like to read a book a month, starting with The Light Between Oceans by M.L. Stedman. I love reading, but since having my children, there's been very little "me" time. Now that they are a little bit older and a little more independent, I hope to be able to carve out a few minutes each day to read. Any good recommendations?

The ever-awesome Claire agrees with Maggie and Ali but adds: I want to get outside more. Whether it's sunny or raining or snowing, I love being outdoors and in nature. Often when I have the opportunity to go out, I would rather stay in and be cozy, but when I'm finally outside I feel completely invigorated. It's the only remedy for cabin fever!

'Mazing Miranda says: My news years resolution is to carpe diem! Travel more and go on spontaneous adventures.

Lastly, my own resolution is to FINALLY get off my butt and finish off my to-do list. I have a list a mile long and I want to take it one by one and cross them all off. A sampler of my list: finish reading books I started, learn to make pasta and learn a musical instrument. 

So chicks, what are your resolutions for the new year? Do you share any of ours? 
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on January 05, 2014  Charmheart16  3,985 said:

Belated Happy New Year to everyone. These are some great resolutions. I would love to spend more time outdoors as well. When I was little my family and I used to go on trail hikes during the summer and I have always enjoyed it but that has since stopped. So this year, it's definitely time to get back to nature - even doing some gardening would be great.

on January 03, 2014  imfeehily  8,865 said:

Happy New Year!

on January 03, 2014  flower  4,433 said:

count my blessings

on January 02, 2014  scamp101  1,285 said:

I would like to resolve to do everything that I havn't accomplished other years but we'll see...but I also share the resolution of swearing less.. I think that's doable!

on January 02, 2014  fredamans  12,209 said:

Happy new year chicklets!!!

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