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Quaker Reviews

This is one of my favourite crispy minis flavour. It has a burst of flavour and spice. It is not too spicy and it is a wonderful snack. I highly recommend this product.

I love these. They're a healthier alternative to a dessert and they're fairly inexpensive. They taste really good and if you want to make your snack a bit more interesting, you can have some peanut butter with it! Really tasty, cheap and hits the spot.

I love that it has a good mix of hard to find minerals in it and tastes really good. This cereal is worth trying if you have not yet. I like it like Corn Bran Squares or mini wheats. IMO these are some of the healthier cereals out there.

Great taste! Great price and packaging! Information on the box was to the point And easy to read. my children love eating them and I feel great having them choose this as a snack

I would definitely buy this again. I enjoy my oatmeal in the morning and this is a simple way to get it and not feel guilty. If you are trying to lose weight or maintain the weight you are at, this will definitely help.

Forget about regular old chocolate chip granola bars and try these yogurt granola bars. The yogurt bottom is super tasty and adds the sweetness you want, plus it gives extra texture. These are a favourite in my house

Super quick and easy breakfast item that I always have in my pantry. So many different flavours to pick from and they're all tasty! Definitely hits the spot if you need something warm and filling in the mornings (or even as a snack!)

Quaker real medleys are delicious, the apple walnut has diced apples, cranberries and yummy walnuts. It is healthy and is sweet almost like a dessert they are good.

As of now, this is my favorite oatmeal flavor! I love the taste of the apple ! Plus, it keeps me satisfied until lunch unlike other breakfast meals. It is super easy to make and I can eat it while going to work without it being messy! A must in a pantry!

I like these granola bars a whole lot. They are filled with fruit and nuts. They taste great and are not too sweet. They make a nice snack or a lite breakfast.

I suffer from iron deficiency due to regular blood donations and have to eat cereal daily. They have variety of choices and I always buy a bunch. I really love this.

Got one of these bars as a sample from Tasty Rewards. We have bought this brand many times before. Always a great product, this is a new recipe and there is a small difference. It tastes great. Lots of chocolate chips, good chew to it with a bit of crispness, and not too...

Nous achetons très régulièrement les barres tendres Quinoa Chocolat et Noix, elles sont délicieuses. J'aimerais par contre qu'il y aille moins de sucre et des ingrédients plus équitables et sains pour la santé.

My son loves it and he definitely approves of the new and improved taste. I can tell there is less sugar in this new recipe of Quaker's Chocolate Chip Granola bar. With whole grain oats and no artificial ingredients, I feel comfortable giving this to my family for snacks as it...

Super bon granola croquant et un peu sucré avec des flocons d'amande. J’aime manger ce granola avec du yogourt et des petits fruits au déjeuner. Ca ajoute du croquant dans mes bol le matin.