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  Member Since:  July 12, 2013


on May 07, 2015  mommy96tobe2015  5,970 said:

It was my pleasure and thankyou for accepting I also look forward to reading your post and reviews. And good evening to you also :)
  Thank You

on May 07, 2015  Griechux  35,585 said:

No, dont worry, i was joking :))

on May 04, 2015  OceanSunrise  74,757 said:

Hello Leo Sister! Adding the security cameras is such a great idea and will provide you with peace of mind. It's always better to be safe than sorry. I feel nervous going out at night, all those unexplained noises give me the creeps. Must be why I can't watch "Amish Ghost Stories". ;-) You should pick up a plant or two of English Lavender. They look so beautiful in a lovely pot and smell heavenly. Are you looking for plants, trees or bushes? I always get excited heading over to the Home Depot Garden Center. Every year they have something new that I just have to have. The colours and shapes of the new plants are just so appealing. I'm never disappointed with the selection.We prepared our fountain this past weekend and took out our wind chimes. I just love the soothing sounds of wind chimes. Our chimes play the sound of distant church bells. It is so relaxing to hear them chime in the wind. They are just so beautifully designed that I enjoy just looking at them.Our statues are reading to go. I have a cute statue of an angel girl reading a book. It was a Mother's Day gift. I'm such a bookworm that this was the perfect gift for me. I'm forever finding new statues to tuck away into a spot in the garden. They just add the perfect finishing touch. Do you have any statues in your garden?In the last two weeks the samples have been coming in at record speed. Quite a few unexpected surprises have been much appreciated. It's exciting not knowing what the mailwoman will bring next.I hope that you are taking advantage of your days off to get things done and to get some important R&R too? I've been meaning to ask you how things are coming along with your stepson. You mentioned that the two of you were working together and I wanted to know if he still enjoys working there? He seems like such a fine young man. You must be very proud of him!!!I'll catch up with you later. I've got a busy day tomorrow and need to close up shop soon. Take good care of yourself and keep smiling! Ciao Bella! ;-)
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on May 04, 2015  Butterfly1998  1,754 said:

Hi Christine,
Your welcome
I like reviewing the products too so I can decide if I should try it or not

you have a nice night too.
  Good Writer

on May 04, 2015  Butterfly1998  1,754 said:

Thanks for adding me.
how long have you been a Chick advisor?
I've only been for about a week or so
  Thank You

on May 03, 2015  Butterfly1998  1,754 said:

Can we be Chick advisor friends.
I'm new

on May 01, 2015  Kylee  40,914 said:

Thank you for being such a great Chick advisor friend, I love reading your reviews and you give awesome advice in the forums. I hope you have a great day and a better weekend. :)

on May 01, 2015  OceanSunrise  74,757 said:

Hello Leo Sister! I've gotten use to chatting on Pinterest and have got to get back to leaving messages here too. I'm feeling so much better. No more leaving the windows open. The sun is shining here and it is suppose to rain but no sign of any rain clouds in the sky. I want to take out some of my garden decorations. It's exciting to think about going to the Home Depot to look for new plants. Our Husky has been naughty and we will have to replace some of our plants. I hope she outgrows this nasty habit. We'll both be enjoying the warm weather today. I'll check in from time to time. Drop by Pinterest, I have some new boards. I get inspired by seeing everyone's boards. Great place to meet people from all over the world. Nice when you can strike up a conversation about one of your favourite topics. I'll catch up with you later. Have an awesome afternoon and don't work too hard. Bye for now! Ciao Bella! ;-)
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on May 01, 2015  scrbic  17,318 said:

Thanks for reading my reviews & leaving me feedback :)
I see you're doing GREAT on chickadvisor.. you have such a high score haha
  Thank You

on April 30, 2015  Griechux  35,585 said:

For sure! Thank you!

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