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  Member Since:  July 12, 2013


on April 02, 2015  OceanSunrise  74,757 said:

"Mom & Baby Badge" — I wanted to mention that I added quite a few board games reviews in the "Toys" section. You'll certainly be able to add review points to your badge in this section.Good luck Leo Sister! Have an awesome evening! Ciao Bella!
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on April 02, 2015  OceanSunrise  74,757 said:

This "Mommy and Baby" badge can prove to be a challenge but not impossible. Have you ever purchased baby gifts for friends or family members? You could review how they or their child enjoyed the gift. You could also review the service and quality of the products you purchased at stores that sell baby items. Keep at it, you will manage to complete this badge. You can also review toys that you purchased for your stepson over the years. He's bound to have great ideas for you to use. Good luck! Ciao Bella!
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on April 02, 2015  Monini91  13,766 said:

Hi , chrissyann123! Thanks so much for favoriting and retweeting my posts on Twitter . Have an awesome day ! :)
  Thank You

on April 02, 2015  OceanSunrise  74,757 said:

Hello there Leo Sister, Just dropping by to let you know that I received a sample pack from John Frieda. I didn't think that I'd get one. I sent them an email awhile back and they never replied so this package was a pleasant surprise. I can't wait to try out these samples. John Frieda products work beautifully with my hair and smell amazing. Did you receive anything from them?I hope that you're having a great day and are all prepared for Easter. We are fortunate to have nutritious food on the table and loving friends and family to share it with.I'll catch up with you later. I'm working on completing my "Mommy and Baby" badge and then I'm done. I've only been a member since January, 2015 but this place is so welcoming that I can't help but want to immerse myself in the ChickAdvisor culture. Bye for now! Ciao Bella!
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on April 01, 2015  OceanSunrise  74,757 said:

Good morning Leo Sister,Just wanted to drop by and tell you that I watched an episode of "Amish Haunting". Well let's just say that it was my first and last. It was too visual for me to the point that it was a bit way out there and extreme. I had nightmares of that backward walking demon. I'm having second thoughts about visiting any turn of the century buildings after watching these shows. I think that for now I'll keep watching Kim Russo. It's a fascinating topic but I find that some of these shows just want to scare you instead of shedding light and educating us on this very real topic. Thanks for sharing the show with me; I might become braver with age. LOL!I wanted to ask you how long you've been working on your Pinterest boards? I feel overwhelmed when I go visit your Pinterest. You've done such an amazing job of organizing everything that I don't know where to look first. You have such varied interests that I find it fascinating to scan through your pins.The two recipes I tried from Pinterest were delicious but sweet. Next time I'll cut down on the sugar. I'm looking at trying out a few healthy snacks. You can definitely find what you need at Pinterest.I'll say goodbye for now and catch you later. Don't work too hard! Ciao Bella!
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on April 01, 2015  SnowWhite  14,175 said:

So I found your request, I was looking in the wrong spot lol

on April 01, 2015  SnowWhite  14,175 said:

Happy April! You sent a friend request but I don't know what happened to it so I readded you. Thanks again for posting the sample source link, I can't wait til it arrives. Hope you have a great day :)
  Thank You

on March 30, 2015  OceanSunrise  74,757 said:

Hello Leo Sister,

Thanks for dropping by my Pinterest. As you can see it’s a work in progress. I’ve seen some boards with thousands of
pins. It’ll take me awhile before I
reach that milestone. I’m trying the “Honey
Bun Cake” recipe for tonight’s dessert.
I’ve never heard of it but my family loves cinnamon and the cake looks
absolutely mouthwatering. I can’t wait
to take my first bite.

I taped a few ghost shows but haven’t gotten the chance to
see them yet. I’m not watching them
alone. I tend to look through my fingers
if I’m too scared and ask my hubby when it’s safe for me to look again. I’m intrigued and knowledgeable on this
subject but by the same token I am also cautious and guarded. I’d rather read about this topic then
experience it firsthand. I’ll let you
know what I think of it.

Did you guys have any additional snow? We had snow and now rain. There’s a certain chill in the air and the
lack of sun makes for a gloomy ambience.
We need some warmth and bright sunshine.

I’ve got to run but have yourself a lovely day! Ciao Bella!

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on March 29, 2015  Kylee  40,914 said:

Yep not a problem, I look forward to reading your reviews and your community posts!

  Thank You

on March 29, 2015  Kylee  40,914 said:

Hey Chrissy! So I went to check my pending friend requests and I can't seem to find yours, but not a problem, I will send one your way! :)

Yes I am an avid thrifter myself, I can totally relate! You have a nice evening as well.

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