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Behind the Scenes Party Planning at ChickAdvisor H.Q.

Posted by Claire | Tuesday June 3, 2008 Leave a comment

What does it take to pull off two separate events in as many days? And that's on top of whatever other fabulous stuff we've got in the works...

Now, a girl might well imagine what goes on behind the scenes but a fella hasn't a hot clue when it comes to the girly stuff. Alex, though a good sport, was at times left scratching his head as he watched Ali and I.

Planning. Previewing samples (and by that, I mean testing :). Gossiping. Painting our nails. And watching the Young & the Restless. All of which occurred simultaneously.

Eventually he put on his headphones and played some testosterone-laden computer game. But really, it was a win-win situation.

It amuses me how after years of dating and marriage, most guys are befuddled when faced with an estrogen-filled room (and I certainly include my husband here). Imagine this (completely true) situation:

Ali: 'Ooh, the Lise Watier stuff!'
Claire: 'Oh my gosh, pass me one! I have to try it.'
Ali: 'Alex, smell me...'
Alex (suspiciously): 'Why?'
Ali: 'I put some of that stuff on.'
Alex: 'Stuff??'
Claire: 'Hey, so is it true Gloria was fired?'
Alex: 'Who??'
Ali: 'Yeah, it was hilarious! Remind me to buy those ingredients later.'
Alex: ??
Claire: 'Yah, and we have to stop by to buy my kids' souvenirs. We can get it on the way.'

Pause. We're stuffing tissue into the swag bags, taking care to fluff it just so.

Ali: 'Can you email the helpers the final list?'
Claire: 'No prob. We still need to do a walk-through, too.'


Alex: 'So, you guys just talked about 46 different things in the last 5 minutes.'
Ali & Claire: 'Yup.'
Alex: 'Just checking.'

Now this is just a pet theory of mine, but I think this is why men are prone to baldness.
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