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Breakfast Pizza Recipe

Posted by Alexandra C. | Friday May 4, 201229 comments

If there are two things you need to know about me and my cooking, it's that: 1. Breakfast is the best meal of the day and 2. I'm incredibly lazy when it comes to cooking for one. 

That's why I was so happy to come across this genius idea called breakfast pizza. It's quick, easy and has minimal preparation required. Plus it combines all the taste of pizza with the deliciousness of breakfast. 

Originally, this recipe called for homemade pizza dough and being me, I was having none of that. Another article used pre-made pizza dough which is a great compromise, only I couldn't find that and to be honest, I didn't want to wait that long to eat. So, I pulled a fast one and cheated a bit and used ready to eat pizza flat bread. In the end, it turned out really well and it took a fraction of the time. 

Here's my own version of the breakfast pizza (lazy lady's edition) which I made with ingredients I had on hand. Of course, feel free to experiment and use whatever ingredients you want. I didn't have any but I have a feeling that bacon, sundried tomatoes and a bit of arugula on a breakfast pizza would be ah-ma-zing. 

Here's what you'll need for your own pizza:

Flat bread (ready-to-eat pizza) 
Cheese (I used grated cheddar and provolone)
Oregano and Parsley (to taste) 

Step 1: Cheese 

Layer that sucker in cheese. The more cheese, the better. 

Step 2: Tomatoes 

Cut tomatoes and distribute them evenly across your cheese pizza. Put your pizza under the broiler, you'll need to leave it there for about 5-7 minutes or until cheese is melted. Be careful not to overcook! 

Step 3: Mushrooms 

Here's where it got a bit tricky. Because this dough is already cooked, you don't want to put it in the oven for too long. So, I cooked the mushrooms separately, sautéing them in a pan. 
Step 4: Egg 

Like the mushrooms, cook a fried egg separately in pan. After you're finished, your cheese should be nice and melted. Add your mushrooms and egg to the pizza. Because I love me some chedder, I added a bit more on top of this and stuck it under the broiler for another minute. 

Finished Product 

Sprinkle on oregano and parsley to taste, cut and serve! And even though this is called breakfast pizza, it makes the perfect meal any time of day! I can definitely imagine coming home to this and a cold cola after a long night, sounds heavenly! 

What's your favourite late night snack food? 
More by Alexandra C.
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on May 04, 2012  jmca  9,260 said:

ok, now that you've made some ... bring it on over honey! YUM!

on May 04, 2012  Vlicious  3,821 said:

This looks yummy! Just made me drool!

on May 04, 2012  Aliza  13,966 said:


on May 04, 2012  sirenstarlight  7,239 said:

Ohhh I bet it would be awesome with spinach too!!
I think i'll add sauce too! I'm a sauce addict :P

on May 04, 2012  sirenstarlight  7,239 said:

Looks yummy!
My boyfriend hates breakfast, but I'm sure he'd love this!! :)

on May 04, 2012  mamaluv  STAFF said:


on May 04, 2012  DawnMackie  3,667 said:

This looks delicious!!

on May 04, 2012  takoda  28,648 said:

This looks good! I also don't usually eat after dinner, but if I do its usually just cereal, nothing big.

on May 04, 2012  shuey  2,784 said:

I am not pizza fan at all but I am a breakfest fan & this looks great! Thanks Alex
Late night snack food? I don't eat after dinner so no late night snacks for this girl.

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