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Super Healthy Smoothie Recipe

Posted by ChickAdvisor Team | Thursday December 12, 20139 comments

We recently introduced you to heath guru Talia Chai, who gave us the low down on how to survive the temptations of holiday party season. While we'd love to down a nice tall glass of eggnog every day this season, it isn't exactly the healthiest option. So, we asked Talia to give us her favourite smoothie recipe for something delicious and nutritious. 
Here's what Talia had to say: 
This smoothie is rich in Omega 3 Fatty acids from the chia seeds and good quality protein from the hemp seeds. It gets an antioxidant kick from the blueberries and you won't taste the spinach, I promise! This yields one serving.

Here's what you'll need:

1 1/2 cups unsweetened almond milk
1 tablespoon chia seeds
1 tablespoon hemp seeds
1/2 cup fresh or frozen blueberries
1 banana 
2 handfuls of baby spinach leaves

Place all ingredients in blender and blend until completely smooth and creamy. Enjoy!
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on February 05, 2016  a.m646  1,024 said:

Saving this and making it for me and my daughter! We are a big fan of smoothies

on October 13, 2015  Kylee  40,914 said:

This looks really good but I would maybe add a bit less spinach in mine. But the blueberries would be amazing in this smoothie.
Thanks for the share ChickAdvisor!

on April 08, 2015  elisha25  14,510 said:

Yuum! Will be tring for sure!

on December 15, 2013  scamp101  1,285 said:

mmm...this sounds delicious and so good for you too. I wonder would I be able to omit the banana though...I really don't like bananas. Would I lose the creamy texture?

on December 13, 2013  imfeehily  8,865 said:

Will try it out. Does sound bad at all.

on December 12, 2013  Charmheart16  3,985 said:

Looks delicious. I just got into making smoothies and shakes in the morning to bring to work. I`m definitely trying this recipe out.

on December 12, 2013  rachified  290 said:

Yum yum! I made something similar this morning and I feel so energized and good about myself!

Big fan of throwing almond butter with a dash of agave nectar in there too.

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