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Ali de Bold

  Member Since:  August 31, 2006


on false  MizzRobin  13,788 said:

Nice new profile pic! Thanks for letting me know about the prize! Have a great weekend!

on false  Bubblybunny  4,709 said:

Doh! Never mind! I got the textbox working and I can submit reviews now. :P

on false  Bubblybunny  4,709 said:

Mmm...Hi Ali... So I'm really not good at this meebo thing. It runs sooooo slow on my computer. And I'm still having trouble with the textbox and I can't rate things. :P I'm not having a good computer day. :P

on false  Tanna  306 said:

This site is a great idea!

on false  Creamsicle  60 said:

Love the new pic! Alex is a nut :)

on false  spotty  4,021 said:

Thanks for adding me as a friend misschickie! Great service/website. I found it via meebo's blog. I love meebo and I love how they advertise other startups that are in the same boat. Go meebo and go chickadvisor!

on false  MizzRobin  13,788 said:

Thanks for the mesage MissChickie! OH NO! I would have been at the Flirty Girl anniversary party but I was away on vacation...just got back an hour ago actually! Anyway, hope you had a good time at the party! Next time you go to a class let me know and maybe I will see you there!

on false  tiebears  235 said:

One day I stumbled on this website while searching for reviews. What a cute website! Looking forward to getting 'connected' to everybody... (even though I'm not on much). Good job creating this site.

on false  camelliarose  206 said:

Great site! Love it!

on false  youreyesopen1986  978 said:

haha it should be pretty easy to find me, seeing as how the bags under my eyes are probably as big as yours....I also usually have a dazed look on my face, reminiscent of the whole "I just woke up" thing

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