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Ali de Bold

  Member Since:  August 31, 2006


on false  artist  7,013 said:

Hi Ali, thank you for your message. The problem is I have having trouble finding your email address. Where are the email addresses posted on the profiles? Thank you :)

on false  Scents Of Peace  795 said:

I also found you because of Danny's blog on meebo and the site is such an awesome idea ! I hope you can eventually add Gainesville, Florida to your cities as that's my "neck of the woods" . . . Keep up the good work, I think you have a winner ! Tina Elmore

"The best recipe for health is to apply sweet scents to the brain"
~ Anacreon (c. 570 BC - c. 485 BC)

on false  Shelene  354 said:

oops *read

on false  Shelene  354 said:

You are so great with this site, Ali - I feel so fortunate to have ready Danny's blog on meebo about how awesome ChickAdvisor.com is - and he was so right! Thanks for all your hard work, and Alex too! If I'm ever in your neck of the woods, I'll be looking you up to shake your hand! :)

on false  adebold said:

Hi Ali,

Great job on ChickAdvisor!

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