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Gratuitous Prince Charming Hottie Round Up

Posted by Alexandra C. | Friday June 1, 201222 comments

I was going to write up a Gratuitous Hottie Face Off: Fairy Tale Edition, but then, I realized that there were just way too many hot boys to chose from! I mean, it was just not going to happen if I was expected to chose from Chris Hemsworth and Heath Ledger. That's just cruel and unusual punishment. 

Instead, I decided to give you a round up of my 10 of my favourite fairy tale hotties. Though every one of these boys is oh-so very handsome, all might not exactly be a prince. However, all of them have played the dashing and daring hero in a fairy tale. We're calling them honorary royal prince charmings. In any case, who cares because they're gorgeous and oh-so handsome. 

James Marsden as Prince Edward in Enchanted 

(image via allmoviephoto.com
First of all, James Marsden himself is smokin'. As Prince Edward though, he's adorably goofy and ridiculously charming. Plus the man can sing. 

Chad Michael Murray as Austin Ames in A Cinderella Story 

(image via one-tree-hill-episodes.com
I'm not a huge Chad MM fan but as Austin Ames, I can definitely come around to him. He's just so sweet! Does anyone else remember him as the cocky Tristan in Gilmour Girls?

Shiloh Fernandez, Peter in Red Riding Hood 

(image via listal.com
He may not be a household name just yet but with looks like this, it shouldn't be too long. He reminds me of a European male model, am I right?

Chris Hemsworth, The Huntsman in Snow White and the Huntsman 

(image via welovestyles.com
Oh boy, Chris Hemsworth is probably my current fave hottie du jour right now (have I mentioned this before?). He's just so...hot. He needs to dump that wife of his and date me now. 

Alex Pettyfer, Kyle in Beastly

(image via catsboy.blogspot.com)
Alex Pettyfer has that laid back, surfer boy hotness that would be perfect on the beach. Shirtless, of course.  

Hugh Dancy, Char in Ella Enchanted 

(image via fanpop.com
Hugh is such an adorable man, love the accent and check out that hair of his. Wouldn't you just love to run your fingers through it?

Heath Ledger, William Thatcher in A Knight's Tale and Jacob Grimm in Brothers Grimm

(image via fanpop.com
Mmm, Heath Ledger has had a hold on my heart ever since his 10 Things I Hate About You days. He can be my knight in shining armour any day of the week. 

James Franco, Tristan in Tristan and Isolde 

(image via fanpop.com
James Franco has this intense stare that totally makes me weak in the knees. Plus, he has that coy, bad boy edge. 

Sam Clafin, William in Snow White and the Huntsman 

(image via collider.com
He's British and he looks like that? Well, that's just not fair. Us ladies are just sitting ducks. 

Josh Dallas, Prince Charming (David Nolan) in Once Upon a Time 

(image via tv.com)  
He's why I love Josh Dallas: he's crazy cute, he was born in Kentucky (southern drawl, anyone?) and he's dating his onscreen love interest (my girl crush Ginnifer Goodwin) in real life which means he has excellent taste in women. Even though he's not with me, I approve. 

Honourable Mentions

I was only supposed to chose 10 gentlemen for this round up but limiting myself to just 10 turned out to be much harder than I thought. These boys are all quite the charmers but didn't exactly make our cut off for this round up but we still wanted to show 'em a little love: 

(images via fanpop.comfanpop.comprinceharry.co.ukcelebritywallpaperbase.com 

(clockwise from top left) Westley (Cary Elwes)  in Princess Bride, because who can resist that 'As you wish' line?

Chris Pine didn't play a prince exactly, but he did play a Lord out to steal Princess Mia's crown (in Princess Diaries 2) until they fell for each other. But he's so pretty, we forgive him.  

Prince Harry is a real life prince so he couldn't be included but that doesn't make him any less adorable. Who doesn't love a ginger?

Jake Gyllenhaal played a prince in the movie Prince of Persia, but it wasn't exactly the fairy tale type we were after. Still, if you've spent any time around me, you know that I love Jake Gyllenhaal so he had to be included. It wasn't even a question. 

Which one of these hotties is your favourite? Or, who's your all time prince charming of choice? Also- check out our top 10 fictional boyfriends list for more hotness! 
More by Alexandra C.
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on June 01, 2012  mamaluv  STAFF said:

This list is so incredibly unfair to married women like me ;) Thanks for the Friday morning eye candy!!

on June 01, 2012  takoda  28,648 said:

You have one heck of a list there Alex.LOL There's just to many for me to pick just one.

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