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Spring Fever beats Cabin Fever

Posted by Claire | Friday May 9, 2008 Leave a comment
They look so harmless, don't they?

So, you've watched all the videos in the house 26 times over and are getting sick of trips to Chuck E. Cheese with the munchkins. With the weather improving, it's time to do like Ma and Pa of the old days and kick your kids outside for some fresh air.

I remember when I was that age. Mom booted my sibs and I out of the house and the expectation was that we weren't to come back inside until the sun was setting unless we were itching for some chores.

We stayed out. Half the time we ate our lunch straight out of the garden - nothing like fresh raspberries, strawberries and carrots wiped down with the greens. Ahh, nostalgia!

But how do you lure them outside? Time to take a page from yesterday's book.

1. Go fly a kite

Seriously, when's the last time you did this? We bought one with two guide strings that you use to steer it through the air. This is so much fun we almost don't let the kids participate.

2. Plant a flower garden

Designate one plot for each of your children. Take them to the garden center and allow them to choose what they'll grow. Let them help with each stage of the project, from digging and raking to planting and watering. My kids gladly skip outdoors when I mention it's time to water their flowers. Just watch the overwatering :(

p.s. This is a really great way to teach your kids to take responsibility (and not have to worry about a puppy's welfare, if you know what I mean). My daughter cried for a few days the first time she let her garden die and has never made that mistake again.

3. Waterfiiiiiight!!!

We just picked up a double pack of Super Soakers from Costco and hooked up our lawn sprinkler. So quick to set up and always a huge hit.

4. Day at the Park

An opportunity for us moms to get some socializing in too: invite a few other families to join you at the park for a picnic. The kids will be so excited to play with their friends they'll pretty much ignore you. You can catch up on the neighborhood gossip and what you missed last time on Y&R.

What Not To Try

1. Go for a walk - "Mom! My legs hurt. My arms hurt. My eyes hurt. My hair hurts. I'm hungry! Are we almost done? How much farther?"

2. Go to McDonald's - while the idea of letting your kids scramble around the PlayPlace as you catch up on some text messaging may seem appealing, in my experience the greasy food combined with jumping around like chimpanzees always adds up to a sketchy ride home. Plus, the leftovers they drag into the van will stay there until they grow little legs and leave on their own.

3. Go to the library - the establishment's expectation for everyone to be quiet will not be respected by your kids. If you must go, get in and get out as fast as possible. Kiddie section or no, when is the last time your kids remained in their designated area? Exactly.

I'm speaking from experience here. While no one has been insensitive enough to kick me out of a public place, I have gotten my share of nasty looks. Current wisdom suggests we put kids in situations where they will succeed rather than where they'll fail. I think the same goes for parents.

Got any more good ideas you're willing to share?
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