New Product Review Club Offer: Dream™ Non-Dairy Beverages

Posted by Claire | Monday November 16, 201524 comments

I am a milk-and-cookies kind of mom. And sometimes I even share those cookies with my children.

Unfortunately, since having my youngest son I have become lactose intolerant! Thankfully I'm able to enjoy my favourite cheeses, but regular milk as a beverage or in my morning cereal is no longer an option.

When I first started drinking non-dairy alternatives years ago, I was not really excited about the taste. Thankfully there are so many options on the market now that it's much easier to find something I love. In my case, it's coconut milk! 

Dream™ is one of the popular brands you'll find at your local grocery store, with both refrigerated and shelf-stable products available. Whether you prefer rice, almond, cashew, or coconut non-dairy beverages, the great news is that all Dream™ products contain no lactose, dairy, gluten, carrageenan (a thickening agent that has come under fire for potential health risks), artificial flavours, colours, or preservatives.

So go ahead: enjoy your coconut milk and cookies! You can even bake with Dream™ products, too. Check out Hain Celestial's website for great recipe ideas. We're going to get this party started by having 200 of our Canadian Product Review Club members test the Dream™ product of their choice at home. Want to be one of them?

You have until November 29, 2015 to apply. Boost your chances of being selected by helping us spread the word on Twitter or Instagram using the hashtag #tastethedream!

What is the ChickAdvisor Product Review Club? Click here for full eligibility requirements and how to sign up, plus check out this helpful FAQ to boost your chances of qualifying to take part in a testing panel. You must be a ChickAdvisor member to apply (membership is free). Not all applicants will qualify. ChickAdvisor is the sole decision maker for who is selected based on eligibility requirements, and reserves the right to disqualify any participant for any reason.

More by Claire
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on November 18, 2015  Nessi  17,786 said:

I've always wanted to try almond milk but never bothered because I was affraid of the taste , I don't drink anything else but milk . I would love to be able to try this product and see what the hype is about ! Thank you chickadvisor #tastethedream

on November 18, 2015  Cupcake  24,317 said:

Being lactose intolerant this would be a great alternative.. never tried these products before.. excited to give them a try!

on November 18, 2015  Melanie H  8,022 said:

I would LOVE to try this out. I'm lactose intolerant and also vegan. Great opportunity for my health :) #tastethedream

on November 18, 2015  davrina  1,659 said:

Would love the opportunity to test this product. Having family members with both Lactose AND gluten allergies, makes meals tough to plan.
Breakfasts with variety would be so much simpler with cereal. They'd love to eat a bowl of cereal or a nice cold glass of 'milk' with cake or warm 'milk' before bed ... haven't for far too long! Plus the ability to bake with it is a big bonus!!!!
I've tasted similar products in the past and have been turned off the taste and consistency of 'milk' alternates. I'm open to trying a new product out and would love the chance to give my input on it.

on November 17, 2015  wonderwhatif  86,334 said:

Hope I get in, I've been looking for an alternative to dairy as I don't want to support the dairy industry!

on November 17, 2015  Kimberley said:

I like to follow a paleo diet but so this would be an awesome campaign to be chosen for! #tastethedream @chickadvisor

on November 16, 2015  marieeveboudreault  424 said:

I'm vegan and would love to taste it, thanks for the opportunity! :)

on November 16, 2015  Griechux  35,705 said:

What a great campaign! #tastethedream

on November 16, 2015  OceanSunrise  74,757 said:

I've seen Dream advertized and the varieties look very appealing for daily consumption and to add delicious and healthy flavour to your recipes. I would be very interested in participating in the #tastethedream "New Product Review Club". Thanks #ChickAdvisor for the opportunity!

on November 16, 2015  chrissyann123  85,968 said:

This is a perfect offer for my family to try and review since my hubby is lactose intolerant. I will be definitely applying for this offer please pick me #tastethedream! @ChickAdvisor.

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