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  Member Since:  January 13, 2017


on March 18, 2017  samanthamilner  6,082 said:

Hahaha that's so true ! I could see Karen on the block next week for sure. I am glad neda got the immunity too, she will shake things up. Ika throwing a fit was hilarious!!! She gets worked up over nothing the first week lol. Crazy, but I am enjoying it so far!!! Can't wait to see who wins HoH next, should be interesting ;)

on March 17, 2017  samanthamilner  6,082 said:

Just finished BBCan episodes ! Karen is pretty feisty and annoying lol. The ones I thought would bother me are keeping a low profile right now lol. But Karen is just playing it HARD LOL.

on March 17, 2017  samanthamilner  6,082 said:

Hey Girl !! Sounds great hahaha ;)

on March 17, 2017  samanthamilner  6,082 said:

Sorry i have been MIA since BBCan started hahaha ! I haven't even caught up on them yet, i am SO behind lol ! Watching them all today, will let you know what i think haha !

on March 16, 2017  jcb75  11,531 said:

I thought it was a fun episode! I think I'm going to try to stay spoiler free this season (of course I always say that, and it rarely lasts past the first eviction lol)

on March 16, 2017  fly_eyez  9,561 said:

Glad you liked the suggestions. Let me know if you end up trying any of the authors:)

on March 15, 2017  xoliana  12,704 said:

I just watched it tonight. I agree, it wasn't what I was expecting. I wonder if they're planning on showing his death another time? In a way it's good they didn't show it because I'm assuming that means Milo Ventimiglia gets to stick around for awhile! He's done such a great job.

on March 14, 2017  Tkasburg  957 said:

nice to meet you too!
  Thank You

on March 13, 2017  jmca  9,260 said:

I have sent a friend request to you.

on March 13, 2017  jcb75  11,531 said:

I know! Me either! I do like surprises though. No I don't..who am I even kidding. I'm all about instant gratification. (For example...BBCan needs to start NOW!)

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