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  Member Since:  January 13, 2017


on March 24, 2017  samanthamilner  6,082 said:

Gaaah really sad about eviction last night !!! But you kinda knew that was coming :(

on March 23, 2017  Amanda112  25,515 said:

You said you join in January right?
Just wondering what/if you have received anything from the Product Review Club?

on March 23, 2017  Amanda112  25,515 said:

I am not reading anything right now, I just finished a course through work. I didn't allow myself to read anything other than the course material because I knew I would procrastinate.
But, now that I am done, I am on the hunt ... any recommendations??

on March 23, 2017  kelx  23,437 said:

Hey do you have Facebook?? lol Want too add me I have a question too ask :) https://www.facebook.com/Kelx4444

on March 22, 2017  Amanda112  25,515 said:

I just went onto "GoodReads" and read the reviews, it looks like its going to be a good choice.
I really like the artwork on the cover, definitely a dark mystery feel.

on March 22, 2017  Amanda112  25,515 said:

A friend of mine said the same thing, she tried to read it a few months ago and said she didn't make it onto chapter 2 before returning it. I have a feeling I am going to feel the same way!
Any idea what your going to read instead?

on March 21, 2017  samanthamilner  6,082 said:

Just watched nominations ! I'm not too upset with who got nominated. I REALLY want Karen to get up on that block. She's a tad annoying lol.

on March 21, 2017  samanthamilner  6,082 said:

I know the new date threw me off too ! I'm watching last nights show when I get home from work today !! Can't wait to see what goes down :P

on March 18, 2017  Amanda112  25,515 said:

Oh thats too bad Dana (is that your 1st name)?
Now I remember reading that it was cancelled, maybe on the original thread.?
Anyway, you will have to let me know about The Book Thief, its on my 'to read' list.

on March 18, 2017  Amanda112  25,515 said:

I meant to ask you how the book club meeting went? What book are you guys reading?
Talk soon. xo

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