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  Member Since:  January 13, 2017


on April 03, 2017  MissNinja  21,296 said:

Hey Dana.. I noticed your updated profile pic.. well a few weeks ago.. Its an awesome pic.. I can't believe how hard you work on this site.. Your points have skyrocketed and 895 Reviews !! Sweet.. Good for you.. It is very time consuming, but Im sure you'll agree, this is the most rewarding review site out there.. And fun.. I have done 1 review in the last week, lol.. but I think my entire house has been reviewed by now.!! And i just have to remember to review any new items I buy, but when I stick to some of the same products, well, they have already been reviewed.. I am exited for the Vim now .. I prefer the Cat Litter and the Vim.. I applied for the yogurt too, ,but really only want the Greek one.. Well.. just wanted to say hey.. Happy Spring.. take care.. :)
  Good Writer

on April 03, 2017  Amanda112  25,515 said:

I didn't end up reading last night, stayed up late playing on the computer and watching TV.
I am off today so I am hoping to read a bit this afternoon! And yes, hopefully I won't have to wait too long, but my fear is that they are all going to become available at the same time, then I am in trouble lol... which to choose 1st, and you only get them for 3 weeks.

I am not sure if there are 1 or 2 books before the The Chill of Night, there might only be one, did you look it up? I am excited now to read A Dark, Dark Wood - glad you enjoyed it!!

on April 02, 2017  vitatta  11,340 said:

haha so true about the concerts! I lived there in the past, and moved back to the island for a bit of a recharge/reset. I'm looking forward to all of the creative opportunities over there - burlesque, pinup, art, acting, comedy, music, and so on. And all of the yummy food choices! I feel way more a part of the bigger worldly picture over there :)
  Great Taste

on April 02, 2017  Shystarr79  28,473 said:

My son is 17 and graduating this year! Time has just flown by. Now he's so mature going to the gym and eatting healthymalready talking about moving out. My next little one is coming June 15th. My first summer baby so I'm super excited. Both my other children are November babies.

on April 01, 2017  Amanda112  25,515 said:

I placed holds on the following:
- Her every fear
- The woman in cabin 10
- In a dark, dark wood
All of them have long wait lines, but the library has a few copies so hopefully I won't have to wait too long!
I was able to borrow The Cutting - M McCabe Series, book !! (Did you read it before The Chill of Night)? I am off to bed now, at least I can sleep in tomorrow if I stay up late reading. Hope you enjoy your night!
  Great Taste

on April 01, 2017  Shystarr79  28,473 said:

My teenager is a boy so I get no help with makeup and my daughter s only 17 months and I have another girl on the way but by the time they get old enough to do makeup I will be too old to care.lol

on April 01, 2017  Shystarr79  28,473 said:

Thanks so much for adding me! I've your new profile picture. You look great! I wish I had cheekbones like you. I feel like the older I'm getting the more my cheekbones are disappearing.lol.
  Cute Picture

on April 01, 2017  Amanda112  25,515 said:

The book was fantastic, I quickly finished it last night.
I honestly thought the ending would have been a bit more eventful, I thought that Scott would somehow be in the final scenes, or even the redheaded man (weird I know lol). I envisioned the ending differently, even though Anna was playing along, I really wanted her to break out of the mold and do something outrageous (even more then when she turned the corkscrew again).

Have you started your novel yet? Oh and Happy April Fools, did your family play any jokes on you?

on March 31, 2017  Amanda112  25,515 said:

Great thanks I will check it out once I am done reading the rest of this book. I really really liked, thanks again for the recommendation.
I finally joined Premium today, I meant to earlier in the week and time just got away from me and I was really worried that all the spots had filled up because I didn't read any new posts from CA saying the count down was on something along those lines.
I am really excited to get the welcome package, how long did yours take to ship? And was it sent by regular mail, asking because we have a community mail box, do you think the welcome box would fit in the bottom tray which is quite wide, just not very tall?

on March 31, 2017  Amanda112  25,515 said:

I read for a couple hours last night.. about 20 pages to go... Tom! Wow.. I put it together when Rachel mentioned seeing him get in the car with Anna.. and I thought to myself, where was the baby.. because he left the house to look for Rachel and Anna was at home. I can't wait to finish it up and get all the details.. What should I read next?

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