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  Member Since:  January 13, 2017


on March 30, 2017  Amanda112  25,515 said:

I am thinking Tom, just because he is the least likely.... I am only guessing him because I know you said there was twists and I am discovering so many twists and turns, so just picking him at random... Its not the doctor, because thats too obvious.... I considered Rachel, but could she really kill her if she was blackout drunk, Megan was fit, so she could put up a good fight. Then there is her husband, but again I am not sure... or there is someone completely unknown that I haven't read far enough yet.

lol after reading what I wrote, I really have no clue.. but I am dying to know..

on March 30, 2017  Amanda112  25,515 said:

I am right into this book!
I went to bed early last night to get my reading in, in hopes I could go to sleep at a decent time.. 2 hours later I am still reading and forced myself to put it down. I am about 3/4 of the way through, I have thoughts in mind on who I think killed Megan, but I keep changing my mind.. and I think its going to be another big twist

on March 30, 2017  tracy1963  6,711 said:

awe thank you danaorgnero. That is so sweet of you to notice. You just made my day. Hope to get back in the groove soon. Keep on being your amazing self. Enjoy whatever it is you do tonight.

on March 29, 2017  vitatta  11,340 said:

Hi, fellow islander! :) Nice to meet you! It certainly will be a big change, but I am so excited for it. So many opportunities! Hope you're having a fabulous week!
  Thank You

on March 29, 2017  R3Bean  17,972 said:

Love your conversations. Your fun to follow :)
  Great Advice

on March 29, 2017  Ali de Bold  15 said:

Aww, thank you! I'm so glad to hear you like it! And thanks so much for your positive comments in the forums. We all noticed and appreciated that! Xo

on March 28, 2017  Amanda112  25,515 said:

Oh yeah... I am hooked.. I read a few more chapters last night and I am kinda confused.. I am trying to piece together how they are fit in with each other ... I am dying to know what Rachels' big secret is (time between her brothers death and before she married)

on March 27, 2017  Amanda112  25,515 said:

Too bad we didn't live closer, we could swap books!
I started to read The Girl on the Train last night, I am only in a couple of chapters so far, it just starting to peek my interest, forced myself to turn off the light and go bed last night!

on March 24, 2017  Amanda112  25,515 said:

I really want to read Lauren Graham - I loved the Gilmore Girls and I know I would enjoy it!
I did make a note of the Girl in Cabin 10, you mentioned it in our book club chat! This weekend I plan to download books and get back into my love of reading!!
  Great Advice

on March 24, 2017  samanthamilner  6,082 said:

I agree though, he definitely ruined his own game ! I really like Dillon too!!! He seems like a really great guy, hopefully he goes far in this game! I honestly don't know who I want to win HOH lol ! Monday is so far away

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