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Getting My Pre-Baby Body Back (Before Photos)

Posted by Ali | Wednesday January 15, 201417 comments

2014 is a huge year for me.  I’m officially done having babies (my youngest, Lina is 6 months old) and I have some pretty substantial goals lined up for myself.  One of those goals is to get really fit.  And by fit I don’t mean skinny. I mean toned in a way that would make Gwyneth Paltrow - but not Madonna -  proud.  So, I thought what better motivation than to present you all with my before shots, no sucking in or flexing allowed.  I have also gone the extra mile by posing in these white shorts I like to think of as adult pull-ups.  These shorts don’t lie.  These shorts that threaten camel toe with every step, can’t hide a butt that could use a bit of lifting and thighs that could use some tightening.  I do have a small amount of belly left over from my pregnancy, which leaves me with a lack of definition at the waist.

I have given myself a very tight deadline of 6 weeks to tighten all of this up and have enlisted the help of one of the trainers who whipped me back in shape after baby #1.  We have 3 workouts per week scheduled and she is also monitoring my diet to ensure I’m not sabotaging her efforts.

But, let me be 100% clear: I am not trying to lose weight and I don’t think there is anything wrong with my body.  I’m trying to get to the next level.  To get to a level of fit I haven’t been able to for the past few years as I’ve been having babies.  I want my pre-baby body back and then some.  I also want the benefits that come with a healthier lifestyle and regular exercise. The endorphins, the positive attitude, the strength… all that good stuff.

My biggest challenge will be avoiding my sugary, carb-laden cravings like cookies, chocolate and ice cream.

Wish me luck!

UPDATE: After photos are posted here.
More by Ali
More on Body, Fitness, Parenting

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on January 16, 2014  Anjanie777  1,682 said:

It is definitely true that the younger you are, the faster your body will 'bounce back', as many have been saying. Obviously, your skin has more elasticity and resiliency when you are under 30, and if you are under 25, you can expect to get fit in about 4-6 weeks. I know girls (they were teens) who had children, and within 2-4 weeks, lost their baby weight and became fit.

I choose not to say, "get your/my body back", because it sounds rude to me. It sounds as though women are saying, they gave their bodies away, and desperately want it back. It seems as though they are upset or regret that their bodies underwent this amazing change to pro-create and generate offspring, and all they care for is 'how' they look and 'how' they feel in their bodies. Regardless of what their bodies are supposed to do for this child, who depends on their 'healthy' mother for their existence and health for the first few years of their lives.

So forgive me, that I choose not to say it that way.

on January 16, 2014  Lynn hall  3,007 said:

I think you look amazing, I just had a baby dec 22 and will be trying to whip myself back into shape! thank you for posting this

on January 16, 2014  Steffikah  9,295 said:

@fredamans - I think that's only true for some people. I have seen some women bounce back and look exactly the same as they did before the pregnancy, some even better than they were before. I can't say that my body won't change after having my daughter in May, but I can say I've seen girls go back to the way they were so it is possible depending on your body makeup.

@Ali - Two kids and you look that good...! I can only hope for the same results lol. Good luck!

on January 15, 2014  Ali de Bold  STAFF said:

Thanks, Ladies! @fredamans you are right our bodies do change from having babies, but my goal is to tone up a fair bit. It's definitely achievable with the amount of exercise I'm doing. I'm one of the lucky ones that didn't have any major changes aside from the weight gain.

on January 15, 2014  imfeehily  8,865 said:

Way to go!

on January 15, 2014  fredamans  12,209 said:

Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it is physically impossible to look the same as you did before babies. Be happy you have a mommy body now. You can keep fit and trim, and still look good, but you will never be the same again.
Having two teens of my own and keeping my 140lb weight, I know my hips and ass will never bounce back to where they were. (Not that I'd want them to, I had boy hips before kids.)

on January 15, 2014  rachified  290 said:

Yeah! Go Ali!

For having two children, you look like one hot mama! But I totally understand--there's a feeling that coincides with being fit and feeling healthy and it seems like your goals pertain to that.

Keep with it! I'm excited for you!

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