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Pose Off Bloopers: Guess to Win!

| Thursday October 28, 201065 comments

Sometimes it doesn't go quite according to plan...

We have far too much fun putting together these little Pose Offs and while you may assume we look glamorous and photo-ready 24/7, yes - even we have our awkward little posing moments.

Hafsa's working the Lipstick Pose, while Ali is dodging pidgeon poop apparently.

Jen's a giggler...

... and Kellie's a blinker

I guess Cathy is both...

Awkward photos are one thing.  One of our posers had a truly embarrassing moment to share in honour of this 'blooper' post:

"When I was around 9, I visited a famous garden during a family trip. In one part of the garden, there was a gazebo beside a small shallow pond with stepping stones. Being the active child that I was, I decided to run back and forth across the stones, and as you can guess, I fell in. My mom made me take off my underwear in public and dried it on the bench where all could see. At least I was wearing a pretty dress, so it wasn't so bad! But a cute older boy that walked by saw and was laughing..."

Who was that crimson-faced little girl?  One of you will win a prize with your correct guess!
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on November 03, 2010  jchang212  106 said:

Congrats! :)

I showed this to my mom and her response was:
"What? I don't remember that happening... Are you sure that was your mom? I'm not that mean!... Why did I make you take your underwear off to dry, and not your dress? Your dress must've gotten wet too..."

Thank God the removal of my dress did not occur to her back then... oh mothers...

on November 03, 2010  mamaluv  STAFF said:


Congratulations Agaphmou! You correctly guessed that Jennifer is the poser in the 'Embarrassing Moments' story. We will be contacting you shortly by email for your mailing information.

We drew randomly from all correct guessers. Stay tuned: another guessing game is coming your way soon!

on November 02, 2010  assia  1,578 said:


on November 02, 2010  kikimcint  338 said:

I'm gonna guess Cathy

on October 31, 2010  MnMystery  358 said:

My guess is Cathy :-)

on October 31, 2010  lilpeej  1,255 said:

My guess is Jennifer.

on October 31, 2010  Veronika said:

I'm gonna say cathy

on October 31, 2010  carlamaria  684 said:

I guess it's Cathy.

on October 30, 2010  Patricia  6,845 said:

I'm going to guess Cathy! :)

That totally sounds like my Mum! I remember playing on the beach in Ireland when I was very young. The waves were getting the bottom of my dress wet, so Mum tucked my dress into my underwear so I could keep running around in the water. There are pictures somewhere!

on October 29, 2010  flowerfaerie  366 said:

I think it was Hafsa.

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