Pregnancy Brain Strikes Again

Posted by Ali | Tuesday March 19, 20139 comments

Pregnancy makes me feel just about as dumb as this photo.

I experienced a healthy dose of stupid when pregnant with baby #1, including wearing my underwear backward and forgetting how to spell.  Yet somehow, it's been a shock to me that Pregnancy Brain is back for baby #2.  Like it's something you should become immune to after you've had it once.

While my academic spelling and math skills seem to be intact this round, the dumb has gone to a whole new level.  Enjoy, at my expense:

* Last week I rode the subway 'round and 'round in the wrong direction for 45 minutes. The first time I found myself on the platform of a station in the opposite direction, I laughed.  When I landed there again 30 minutes later, I cried.  Seeing as I've been riding the subway for 7 years, getting lost on the way home can only be explained by Pregnancy Brain.

* Telling dumb, make-up jokes only makes the teller look like a fool.  At the moment, friends, I am that fool.

* The other day I came home from a long day at work. I was late and the nanny was waiting to leave at the door.  I told her I just needed to run upstairs to quickly use the washroom before she left.  I sat down on the toilet and as I was going thought, something isn't right here. Something isn't right at all.  I couldn't put my finger on what the problem was until I stood up and realized I was still wearing my underwear.  As the nanny waited at the door, I panicked.  Now that I had peed my pants I had to make it out of the bathroom and streak through the hallway without being seen.  I couldn't decide if I should laugh or cry so I cried.  When my husband came home I was puffy eyed.  He thought it was funny. I thought I needed to be evaluated.

I was comforted today when I read a quote from Jessica Simpson, who is also pregnant.  Pregnancy Brain it seems, does not discriminate between the fabulously wealthy and us regular Joes.  This is what she said recently on Jimmy Kimmel:

"I just feel awful, I've been vomiting.  The crazy thing is, I never knew that a wiener could actually make me nauseous."

After a gasp she added, "Well, I guess I just told the world that I'm  having a boy!"

She went on to say, "I can't believe I did that; that was not planned… I just did it so crude, too. That was awful. I'm talking about wieners."

All I can say is this: Jessica, I totally get you. I peed my pants. I have your back on this one.
More by Ali
More on Pregnancy, Parenting

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on June 12, 2014  tkgill  162 said:

I am also going through same.....
just waiting for my baby

on March 21, 2013  nscott84  4,013 said:

I agree lol when I was pregnant with my second daughter I insisted on baking brownies and forgot everything but the mix, egg and oil. My friend looked at me crazy but was sweet enough to still taste them with a smile.

on March 20, 2013  mamaluv  STAFF said:

I prefer my technical term of 'momnesia', which can vary from forgetting where you left your car keys to complete inability to function in social settings. Sheesh, I've been there!

on March 19, 2013  Cassie_  2,311 said:

Omg you're amazing!

on March 19, 2013  Bren  26,046 said:

That was to funny!Sorry not funny for you....But us ladies who have been pregnant know all to well the pregnant brain and have all had odd situations as well :)

on March 19, 2013  fredamans  12,209 said:


on March 19, 2013  takoda  28,648 said:

Oh Ali, I feel for ya kiddo. Bin there done that and was so thankful I was at home when it happened and not at a public potty. Now that really would have been bad!! My situation wasn’t quiet the same, but I did wet myself and felt like a fool for doing so. I also found myself unable to speak. Words I’ve know and said all my life would come out of my mouth as something completely different to what I meant to say. Thankfully my language skills returned not to long after I gave birth.

on March 19, 2013  KatelynRose1984  20,704 said:

Oh Ali.. That is too hilarious!

I totally get the whole pregnancy brain thing.. I went through it as well. It's really amazing how much your personality, and mind can change. Even doing things you have done on strict routine for years, can seem like a challenge. As soon as you have the child, it seems to all vanish. Kind of strange!

As much as I feel bad for your struggles, I really enjoyed reading your stories! haha.

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