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NEW Product Review Club® Offer: Neutrogena® Rapid Wrinkle Repair® / Offre Club des bancs d'essai: Neutrogena® Correcteur de Rides Express

Posted by Claire | Tuesday July 2, 201918 comments
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Hello, I'm a 29-year-old* woman with no anti-aging facial concerns** nor any grey hair***.

*not my real age
**while wearing large sunglasses, a large floppy hat, and other accessories that camouflage
***because I colour my hair

Ok, so maybe I massaged the truth a wee bit. Now don't misunderstand, I'm 100% in favour of celebrating beauty at every age and stage! But aren't most of us trying to ease more gently into our middle years than Mother Nature sometimes allows? Exactly.

This week on the Product Review Club®, we'd like to introduce you to two NEW products from Neutrogena®. Without further ado:

  1. NEUTROGENA® RAPID WRINKLE REPAIR® Prep Cleanser: a rich cream cleanser with microexfoliants and glycolic acid designed to reveal visibly smooth, soft, and radiant skin without stripping. Oil-free, soap-free, and paraben-free!
  2. NEUTROGENA® RAPID WRINKLE REPAIR® Retinol Oil: a super concentrated, intensely nourishing skin treatment with Retinol SA oil that is designed to effectively reduce the appearance of stubborn fine lines and deep wrinkles in one week.

Would you like to be one of the lucky Canadian women who will get a chance to put Rapid Wrinkle Repair® to the test? 

Offer open to residents of Canada only until July 9, 2019. Selected members will be contacted during the week of July 15, 2019 via email. Remember to add "[email protected]" to your email address book to ensure that you receive all future communications from us! Help us share this opportunity on social media and remember to include #tryRapidWrinkleRepairCanada.

Good luck Chicks!

You must be a ChickAdvisor member to apply (membership is free). Not all applicants will qualify. ChickAdvisor is the sole decision maker for who is selected based on eligibility requirements, and reserves the right to disqualify any participant for any reason.



Bonjour, je suis une femme de 29 ans* et je ne crains aucunement les signes du vieillissement de la peau** ni les cheveux gris***.

*J’ai menti au sujet de mon âge.
**Quand je porte des lunettes surdimensionnées, un chapeau à large rebord et d’autres accessoires de camouflage.
***Puisque je les teins.

D’accord, j’ai peut-être légèrement exagéré ici. Ne me comprenez pas mal : Je suis entièrement pour célébrer la  beauté à tout âge et à chaque étape de la vie. Mais parfois, mère Nature essaie d'accélérer les choses un peu plus qu'on l'espère.

Dans le cadre du club des bancs d’essai, nous souhaitons vous faire découvrir cette semaine deux NOUVEAUX soins de Neutrogena®. Les voici :

  1. Nettoyant préparatoire NEUTROGENA® CORRECTEUR DE RIDES EXPRESS : Ce riche nettoyant crémeux, à base de micro-exfoliants et d’acide glycolique, exfolie délicatement la peau sans la dessécher, pour révéler un teint lisse, doux et radieux. Sans huile, sans savon et sans parabènes.
  2. Huile au rétinol NEUTROGENA® CORRECTEUR DE RIDES EXPRESS : Cette huile concentrée en rétinol SA nourrit intensément la peau pour atténuer efficacement l’apparence des rides profondes et des ridules tenaces en une semaine.

Voulez-vous avoir la chance de mettre à l’épreuve les produits de la gamme Correcteur de rides express?

L’offre est réservée aux résidents du Canada jusqu'au 9 juillet 2019. Les membres sélectionnés seront contactés par courriel la semaine du 15 juillet 2019. Assurez-vous d’ajouter "[email protected]" à votre carnet d’adresses courriel afin de recevoir toutes nos communications! Aidez-nous à partager cette offre sur les réseaux sociaux en prenant soin d’inclure le mot-clic #tryRapidWrinkleRepairCanada.

Bonne chance !

Vous devez être membre ChickAdvisor pour vous inscrire ( l’inscription est gratuite). Le fait de s’inscrire à cette offre ne garantit pas votre participation. ChickAdvisor est la seule entité responsable de sélectionner les membres participants à cette offre et se base sur ses propres critères de sélection. ChickAdvisor se réserve le droit de disqualifier quelque participant que ce soit, peu importe la raison.

More by Claire
More on Skin Care, Product Review Club

Facebook Comments


on August 25, 2019  Somiaquilt  1,028 said:

I'm still loving these 2 products. I am so impressed with how well they both work, & the noticeable improvement in my skins texture and appearance. I feel so lucky & grateful to have been included in this review. Thank you Chick Advisor & Neutrogena!!

on July 23, 2019  lferriman65  2,181 said:

"Congratulations, to Iamurap
on getting chosen to
#tryRapidWrinkleRepairCanada 😀💜👌 made by,
#Neutrogena !!!" And to everyone else that was selected, have fun, trying out these incredible beauty products!!
Sincerely, 💜😀💜
Tracy-Lee Ferriman
(Your fellow,ChickAdvisor member, and reviewer)!! 😘

on July 19, 2019  lamurap  13,926 said:

I can hardly wait to try out these two products!
Thanks #Chickadvisor

on July 05, 2019  timetogloww  1,403 said:

So excited that we get the chance to be selected to try Neutrogena’s new Rapid Wrinkle Repair! I’m just coming to terms that my skin and finay is starting to catch up to my age 😭😂

on July 04, 2019  Masharium  3,606 said:

Would love to be selected!

on July 03, 2019  lferriman65  2,181 said:

I'm so happy, that #ChickAdvisor is giving us this amazing opportunity,
to #tryRapidWrinkleRepairCanada
By, #Neutrogena !!!"
Being a 53 year old Woman, finding the best products out there, to aid in reducing the look of, fine lines and wrinkles, would be simply magnificent!!! Neutrogena, has been my "go to" brand for some time now!! That being said, I would definitely love the opportunity, if given to me, to try, rate and to then write a review, on these 2 new products!! Looking forward to finding out who is chosen, for this product review club offer!!
Thanks so much, #ChickAdvisor for
giving us this amazing opportunity!!
Good luck #Chicks ... And to all that apply!!

on July 03, 2019  goldenkagi  6,338 said:

I would love to try Rapid Wrinkle Repair, thank you for the opportunity!

on July 03, 2019  lovvemai  1,977 said:

I would absolutely love to try this out!! Less wrinkles are needed for me!!

on July 02, 2019  lamurap  13,926 said:

I never got chosen for the last two Neutrogena campaigns so I am hoping that "third time is the charm".
I would love the opportunity to try out these products!

on July 02, 2019  prettylink  5,542 said:

WOULD LOVE TO TRY THIS.#tryRapidWrinkleRepairCanada

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