Posing Wall: Meet Melissa

Posted by ChickAdvisor Team | Friday January 18, 201317 comments

Hello everyone! My name is Melissa and I’m tickled pink to be the new graphic designer here at ChickAdvisor HQ. I’m a second year student taking the Honours Arts & Business program at the University of Waterloo, so I’m simply thrilled to be working in a creative environment alongside a team of über talented people. So without further ado, let’s kick off the introductions with a few things I’m all about: 

Visual Arts

Art isn’t so much an interest or hobby for me as it is a quintessential part of my identity. I’ll use any medium I can get my hands on and I’m always trying to push my technical and conceptual limits. You’ll seldom see me without a sketchbook and there will probably be some crazy new idea scratched into it. You can find my full body of work right here: feel free to have a peek!  


While I don’t consider myself old-fashioned in the slightest, I am head over heels in love with love and all the sweet gestures that come with it. Whether it’s a well-executed surprise, the age-old heart symbol (my favourite shape), or even spotting another couple experiencing an amorous moment, I’m smitten. Personally, I can’t wait for warmer weather so I can enjoy a long overdue romantic picnic!

Vegetarian Cooking

Speaking of food, my love of romance may only be on par with my love of savoury chow. I’m a vegetarian with an insatiable sweet tooth and a passion for trying new dishes. I cook intuitively most of the time, so I frequently end up with delicious new recipes (and yes, sometimes complete culinary disasters). I’ve been on a bit of a sushi kick since I learned to make it recently, but my go-to will always be dishes of the healthy, hearty, soulfood variety. 


My secret super power is definitely the ability to get comfortable (and sometimes fall asleep) anywhere. It’s because of this that many of my wardrobe staples are oversized sweaters and there’s a big soft blanket in nearly every room in my home. Nothing relaxes me like curling up with a hot cup of tea, a good read and an adorable sleepy kitty. 

What about you? Are we two of a kind? Let me know in the comments so I can get to know you sweethearts better! Don't forget to stop by my profile over here and say hi!
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on February 12, 2013  AngelinaRosaries  2,303 said:

hi melissa, love your passion, especially the mouth watering pictures of your cooking skills.
welcome to CA family.:)

on January 26, 2013  lindsaycyr  3,084 said:

Welcome! I love your photos!

on January 23, 2013  Steffikah  9,295 said:

Hey Melissa, wanna send some veggie recipes my way? :) Welcome aboard!

on January 22, 2013  beautyinfinitum  2,817 said:

Welcome Melissa! Love your art and that sushi looks great! I'm guessing that's your kitty -- how adorable!

on January 19, 2013  Jo999  4,347 said:

Welcome to the family Mel :D

on January 19, 2013  takoda  28,648 said:

Welcome Melissa, nice to have you as part of the team.

on January 18, 2013  pixiestix  2,016 said:

welcome new chickie from one artist to another keep creating and looking for inspiration in everything and everyone you come across

on January 18, 2013  fredamans  12,209 said:

Lovely photos!

on January 18, 2013  Bren  26,046 said:

Hi Melissa and welcome!Your very talented I love your art work...We have quite a few things in common.. I'm a vegetarian as well,I have been for 31 years now.I also love cats... :)

on January 18, 2013  shanaz  5,961 said:

Welcome Melissa:)

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