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Alexandra C.'s Archive

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Playing is an important part of a child's life. It's how they learn and how they begin to interact with others. Because it's an essential part of development, this week we want to know what you think are the best toys out there! 

When you review a toy from July 8-14, you'll automatically be entered to win a prize pack worth approx. C$35.00! The more you review, the better your chances are of...
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In a previous Review of the Week, we featured three super cool beauty products for at home laser hair removal. Talk about futuristic, right? This got me thinking about our preferred methods of hair removal. While I'm way too much of a baby to deal with waxing, I have certain friends who swear by it. 

For this week's Review of the Week, I want to know what products you swear by to get those...
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So far, this has pretty much been the summer of food. Not that this is special in any way. Most of my summer, scratch that, most of my life revolves around food. However, this summer I've definitely made it my mission to test out as many new foods and restaurants as possible. Chicks, I think I've become a bit of a foodie!

While I previously did my daily read of beauty and fashion blogs every...
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Not too long ago, I got real honest and let you ladies know that when it came to some beauty practices, unfortunately, you were doing it wrong. Now, we need to have another heart to heart and it won't be easy but it seems worth it. 

This time, we're talking food. I'll be the first to admit that when I read most of these tips, I came to the realization that I was making mistakes left and...
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Am I the only one that has a love/hate relationship with nail art? On the one hand (pun intended), when nail art goes well, it is unbelievably satisfying. I mean, how proud are you of yourself when your nails look gooood? 

On the other hand, doing your nails can be a pain in the you-know-what. Here's some info to make life a little easier and to make your mani the very best you could...
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Though I'm not really the mushy type, I will admit one thing: I love a good proposal story. They're just the perfect expression of love and a couples personality. Whether simple and sentimental or elaborate and extravagant, I can't get enough of them. 

This wedding Wednesday, I scoured the internet to find a few of the best proposal stories, pictures and even some ideas. But who knows, maybe...
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This summer I've been showing off my legs! I don't know about you, but I love sundresses. Because of this, I've been pouring on the moisturizer like it's going out of style. I've all but used up the very last drop of my favourite bottle, so now I need your recommendations! 

Tell me which product I should (or maybe shouldn't) buy and review a body lotion or cream this week. When you do, you'll...
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You need bottles and you need good bottles. Which is why we're here - to give you reviews to let you know what to spend your hard earned cash on and which ones to skip!

This week, when you review a bottle, you will automatically be entered to win a prize pack worth approx. C$35.00. The more reviews you write, the better your chances are of winning! If you know what you'd like to review, head...
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You may remember from previous articles that I'm not a huge fan of shaving. It's time consuming, you get ingrown hairs and it never stops! Right after you shave, the next day it's all stubble, no smooth. It's enough to make you want to quit altogether. 

Which is why I've always said that if I could afford any sort of cosmetic procedure, it would be laser hair removal. Unfortunately,...
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In todays edition of Daily Dose of Adorable, we are paying tribute to one of the cutest animals in the world. Like, ever. It's a spotlight on: the slow loris. 

Get ready to squeal and say: "Omigoshomigoshomigosh!" This fellas big eyes and little body is just too adorable for words. 

Ok, enough with the teasing, let's see some photos: 

Those eyes...

I just want to cuddle with one and...
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