
  Member Since:  March 23, 2011

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Arm & Hammer Truly Radiant Toothpaste My overall rating
Arm & Hammer Truly Radiant Toothpaste Recommended? You Betcha!

Arm & Hammer Clump & Seal Complete Odour Sealing Clumping Litter My overall rating

Clarisonic Mia 2 My overall rating
Clarisonic Mia 2 Recommended? You Betcha!

Oral-B CrossAction Pro-Health Toothbrush My overall rating

Crest Pro-Health ProFresh Toothpaste My overall rating
Crest Pro-Health ProFresh Toothpaste Recommended? You Betcha!

Crest Pro-Health Multi-Protection Rinse My overall rating

eos Organic Smooth Spheres Lip Balm in Honeysuckle Honeydew My overall rating

Crest 3D White Whitestrips Intensive Professional Effects My overall rating

Tampax Radiant Pearl Tampons My overall rating
Tampax Radiant Pearl Tampons Recommended? You Betcha!

Always Radiant Infinity Pads My overall rating
Always Radiant Infinity Pads Recommended? You Betcha!



2025-02-17 15:59:24
Ali de Bold

March 05, 2013 

Aww, thanks Tammy! Stay in touch and let us know when you graduate if you are looking for work. Cheers!

2025-02-17 15:59:24
Ali de Bold

March 05, 2013 

How are you, Tammy! Thanks for the comment on my pregnancy article. We miss you around here. You always were one of my favourites! Hope school/life is treating you well. xoxo

2025-02-17 15:59:24

December 26, 2012 

Merry Christmas Tammy!!

I hope everything is going well for you and your new hubby to be and you're enjoying the Holidays.
 Great Taste

2025-02-17 15:59:24

April 12, 2012 

No problem I just hope you can find something you really
like that works for you, even if it isn't from them. As for the new
in-laws, I know it can be very hard at times. My mother in-law use to
drive me crazy with her some of the remarks she'd make about people. I
was biting my tongue some much I almost bit it off.LOL But over the
years I realized that she was razed in a different world and that was
just the way she was. So I just let it go in one ear and out the other
now. But I still have my moment when I'd like to give her a peace of my
mind. As time go on you'll find your place in the family. It all just
takes time like anything worth it does. Just be happy you don't have to
live with them. If you ever need an ear to talk about it let me know,
I'm hear for ya kiddo. Take care Tammy.

2025-02-17 15:59:24
Ali de Bold

April 08, 2012 

Thanks, Tammy! Little boy is doing well. He's so much fun. I adore being his Mom. Hope you are having a great Easter weekend! XOXO

2025-02-17 15:59:24

April 04, 2012 

Here's the stores that I could find that carry Mario Products in
Toronto. I hope this helps Tammy and I hope school and things with your
soon to be hubby are both going well. I know you're very busy, but try
and stay in touch as best you can. Miss you take care.


2409 Yonge Street

Toronto, ON M4P 2E7


Jacob & Sebastian

622 Queen St. West

Toronto, Ontario M6J



25 Bellair Street

Toronto, Ontario M5B IC8


2025-02-17 15:59:24

April 04, 2012 

Morning Tammy, I can't believe its bin almost a year. Man time really
does fly doesn't it. Maybe by this time next year you'll be married,
or not quite that soon.LOL I really don't understand why they
haven't sent you any samples. The second time I sent that to you I
had just read about a girl getting samples she didn't know she was
getting. She said the same thing happened to her, then they just
showed up one day about eight weeks later. I know it's suppose to
take six to eight weeks, so I just don't get it. I
know there are a few store's in Toronto that sell that stuff. I can
look them Up for you and send the name's an addy's to you if you'd
like. As for me, thing's have bin going pretty good this last little
while. We thought we were going o lose my husbands mom back in Jan,
but she bounced back and is back home in her own apartment. Witch is
great when your 88 soon to be 89. My husband has been getting lots
of work and we're all about as healthy as we can get for us. So I'm
happy, happier now then I have bin in a long time.

Marches weather here was great, but now its cooled off again and we
have more rain, my bones aren't to happy, but life goes on. I joined
GlossyBox thing last month and got some nice stuff for $15. I added it
all up and it came to $100.98 before tax if I was to buy all of it on my
They take Pay Pal now, or I never would have started getting them. I'll
go find the name's and addy for the stores in Toronto that sell that
stuff for you now. That way if you happen to be around one you'll know
they carry it. Be right back.

2025-02-17 15:59:24

March 24, 2012 

Morning Tammy, how are you? It's bin awhile since I've seen you on the site. I guess you're busy with school and your new hubby to be. Any how I was wondering if you ever got any samples from Mario Badescu web site? If not here's where you can find the analysis questions. http://www.mariobadescu.com/questionnaire.aspx
If your still interested in getting some samples try filling it out again. I haven't done one in a few years, so I'm going to give it a try again. I'll let you know if they send me anything. Sometime they will tell you they are sending some, other times they just show up. I hope everything is still going well for you, we all miss you. Have a great day.
 Write More

2025-02-17 15:59:24

February 16, 2012 

Sorry to hear your sick Tammy, but did you know that NyQuil won't help
your nose any. It don't have a decongestant in it. I don't know how they
can get away with telling people that it relives a stuffy nose when it
doesn't even have that in it. I always use nose drops, or a spray for a
stuffy nose, it works fast and keeps working for some time. It will at
least help you to get some sleep with out having to sleep with your
month open, making your throat hurt even more. Try having a hot toddy.
Mix a shot of lemon juice, a shot of honey and a shot of whiskey
together and warm it up with a little hot warm. It always make's me feel
better. As for the O'Lay skin care that I mentioned, you should also
use a face mask every ounce in awhile and a scrub. I haven't used those
two things every week, even though I probably should, but at least a few
times a month will help to. I know the big day isn't for awhile yet,
but I hope you send us all some pic's after the big day. Its bin nice
hearing from you Tammy, feel better soon!! HUGS!

2025-02-17 15:59:24

February 14, 2012 

Hi Tammy long time no talk. Happy V D Day. He better make this a
good one ay. I saw above that you got engaged, congrats!! How have
you bin? Are you still going to school? I miss having you here with
us, but I know it's hard to keep in touch when you have some many
other thing's to deal with. I hope all is well with you and your
sweetie. I started using Olay's Pro-X Clear Acne Protocol and its
bin working really well for me. I did a review for it, but now that I'm
in my third month of using it I have gotten even better results with it
then I said in the review. Give it a look if yu get a chance. Enjoy your
day Tammy, miss you!
