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Eyes, Lips, Face Articles

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Last month around this time, I told you about my resolution to only 'shop my stash'. I've been trying to only use the products I already have at home and to resist the urge to go out and buy new ones. Chicks, let me tell you, it's been hard. I would be lying if I told you that I followed this rule completely. However, I was on much better behaviour this month...
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With your hot date impending, you've already decided on a fabulously chic outfit (not too revealing, but showing just enough) and you're feeling pretty good. Then, you realize that there's just one more thing that completely slipped your mind: your makeup. What type of look should you go for? You want to look pretty, put together, definitely not over the top and you need your makeup to...
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Not too long ago, we let you in on 5 things you may not have known about sunscreen. In case you weren't paying attention, (tsk, tsk) we also gave you a few post sunburn tips. Then we rounded up some of our own favourite sun protection products, and now, we want to hear from you!

This week, from July 23rd- 29th, we want you to add a review for a sun protection product that you've...
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Sit down and buckle those seatbelts because I think that we're about to rock your world with some fabulous contests and prizes! 

What contests are we talking about?

This week, we're switching it up a bit. We're bringing back an oldie but a goodie: The Review of the Week! If you're new here, you may not be so familiar with it so you'll definitely want to check it out. Of...
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You go to get your eyebrows waxed and accidentally get too much taken off. This is every woman's worst nightmare. Maybe you went plucking crazy or you weren't blessed in the eye brow department. Whatever the case, have no fear, this eye brow round up will have your brows looking amazing in no time!


Pencils are easy to use and portable. They can really help if you need to draw on any...
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We've all been there, you go to bed looking pretty darn cute (if you do say so yourself); your skin is luminous and you can hardly see any under eye circles (sweet!). Then, you wake up well rested and out of nowhere, a big, red bump has appeared and made it's home on your face. So not fun! 

First things first, you need to clean, dry and prep that sucker, doing so...
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Whether you're a makeup pro or a minimalist, cat eyes are a simple and easy addition to your make up routine no matter what your mood. The thing I love about cat eyes is I can create simple ones for a nice every day look or try different kinds to get a more vivacious look.

The Right Tools

Liquid, Pencil or Gel? If you're trying this for the first time or even if you're a pro, the kind...
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Every week, we dole out some awesomesauce prizes for two fabulous and fun giveaways! This week is definitely no exception! 

We're giving out two prize packs this week to help keep you lookin' gorgeous! Want to know what they are?

Sally Hershberger Curvaceous Elasto-Curl Daily Treatment (C$12.99, available at Shoppers Drug Mart) + CoverGirl Intense Shadow Blast in Beige Blaze (C$4.49)

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A little while back, we posted this video: a first impression of using the lip tattoo. If you've never heard of lip tattoos before, chances are, you're looking dubiously at your computer screen right now and scratching your head, thinking 'lip....tattoos?'. 

Yes, lip tattoos; and it's exactly what it sounds like. Remember those temporary tattoos you would...
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I’m a mom of 3 and work full-time.  Between soccer practices, school events, birthday parties, and tight work deadlines, my motto has to be “Work Hard And Play Hard”.  Especially when 3 teachers from 2 different schools call within the space of 15 minutes asking me to pick up a sick kid from the nurse’s office. 

Yup, some might dub me a ‘Supermom’ but you should know by...
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