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Eyes, Lips, Face Articles

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Recently, Ali and I were invited to have breakfast with Gina Brooke, Madonna’s make up artist of 10 years (Yes, THE Madonna)! This invite was for the launch of Make Up For Ever’s new Aqua Rouge Liquid Lip Color line

The star of the show? Aqua Rouge in Nº8 Iconic Red - the official lip color of Madonna’s MDNA tour. We were so inspired by the looks Madonna wore on her tour that we...
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Alright chicks, it's time for some tough love. I need to tell you, chances are, you're doing it wrong. 

I'm taking about your beauty routine. But it's not your fault! A lot of women are misinformed when it comes to their every day beauty routines. Let's see if we can't take your beauty to the next level by changing a few simple habits. 

Here are six, often wrongly...
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I crazy bananas broke out (for those of you who speak proper English that means super duper badly) recently and I've been battling these bumps for the past little while! Is this a little TMI? Well, if it is, I apologize. But it's the truth and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one facing this issue. I try and take care of my skin as much as possible, but while recovering from a...
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Whenever I start to pull a Garfield the Cat and grumble, ‘I hate Mondays’, I remind myself that Mondays are the start of a brand new week. And in turn, this means that it's the start of two shiny new contests and two sparkly new prize packs that are up for grabs. This cheers me up considerably. 

This week is no exception. Let’s start off with our fabulous prize packs, shall we? 

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A large unsightly pimple puts a serious damper on your day. You try and ignore it but the harder you try, the more it seems to poke out at you. Pimples are not much fun to have around. Which is why for those not-so-fun days, I always have a concealer on hand. 

A good quality concealer that does the job is an essential part of a makeup bag. Not only do you want coverage for blemishes or redness...
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Get ready chicks, we're gonna knock your socks off with yet another week full of totes amaze prizes! We have two excellent prize packs to be won and it's easy peasy to enter. Interested? Read on to find out what's up for grabs! 

Quo Lip Crayon (C$10.00)  
Elizabeth Grant The Socializer ZIT Zapper (C$22.00) 

Rimmel ScandalEyes Curve Alert Mascara (C$7...
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Chilly weather is on its way and I aim to start combating the cold early this year. I'm getting a head start on my head to toe moisturizing and of course, that includes my lips! Lip balm is a staple in my hand bag and I always try to have at least one on me at all times. Getting the best possible product when it comes to my lips is important. I need to make sure I spend my hard...
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Lips are garnering some major attention this fall, and with good reason. As we've said before, a swipe of a bold colour can totally take a bare face to a whole new level and a simple change in lip colour with a basic look gives a whole new feel to your face. With all that a lip colour can achieve, it's official: you definitely need to play them up! 

When choosing your colour this...
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I'm a lady (okay, saying 'lady' is debatable) with considerable experience in applying, talking about and buying makeup. So when I first caught wind of the 'No Mirror Makeup Challenge' videos going around on YouTube, I admit that I thought to myself: "Who are these newbies? Psshhh, I could totally do that, no prob!". 

If you haven't seen any of these videos or if you...
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The other day I was running late, rushing out from work to meet friends for dinner and I had no time to go home or freshen up or change my clothes. This isn't anything out of the ordinary for me. I'm usually running around from one place to another and this tends to take a toll on my makeup. Showing up to a friend's birthday dinner dripping in sweat is a regular occurrence for me....
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