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Eyes, Lips, Face Articles

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It's amazing how much article material I get from a single conversation with my girlfriends. In one chat sesh, we'll discuss everything from hair removal methods to the latest Netflix offerings (p.s. Orange is the New Black, anyone?). Now, I don't want to toot my own horn, but usually in these little meetings, I'm the go to gal for all questions beauty related. However, I recently picked up a few...
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I'm a total sucker for packaging. I will buy something I have no need for simply because I like the box. Puh-lease tell me that I'm not the only one who squeals with excitement and delight when they see an item that is just too cute to handle? Something that can look so fabulous on a vanity, brighten up any space or add a little fun to your makeup kit. Plus, let's be real: it's cute, you want...
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Remember how cranky I can get when the heat starts to hit Ryan Gosling-esque levels of hotness? Let's just say I'm not exactly Snow White getting dressed by small animals. More like the Evil Queen grimacing in a mirror. In an effort to remain calm, cool and collected throughout the summer, I've been finding products to help me out. While it doesn't exactly cool me enough to feel like the North...
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Just when you thought they'd run out of letters... 

First there was the BB cream, which is a Beauty or Blemish Balm. Similar to a tinted moisturizer, BB creams gave coverage and moisturization but with added benefits like SPF or antioxidants. It was a major hit. Then, there was the CC cream and yet again, we collectively lost our minds over a new product. CC cream stands for Colour Correcting...
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Not too long ago, I let you in on a little secret for fixing clump city lashes: use an old wand to separate them! This got me thinking, were there other uses out there for old mascara wands? I always end up with loads of tubes and mascara wand samples can easily be picked up (i.e. sneaked out) from Sephora, other uses for them would be so handy dandy! 

Well, I found 'em. Prepare for 5...
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Today I want to talk about an unsung beauty hero: stick foundation.

When's the last time you used one of these? Or maybe you've never even crossed paths with any. It wouldn't be unlikely. Foundation sticks haven't been the popular foundation choice for a while, but I think they deserve some time in the spotlight. 

Foundation sticks are easily blendable, simple to apply and high coverage. The...
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I just need to say this: I love blush. 

I really, really do. After my foundation and concealer is finished, I feel like my face is just lacking. Blush brings the glow back. I also use it as a contour to define my cheekbones for a pretty flushed look. 

I'm quite loyal to Tarte's Amazon Clay Long Wear Blush, but lately I've been noticing that it's too powdery for these sweaty, humid months....
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I know we've already talked about spiked summery treats this week and posting yet another article might seem a little redundant. But ladies, it is Daiquiri Day this July 19th, so naturally we must celebrate! I mean, Daiquiri Day comes but once a year (unless you're me and Daiquiri Day is any day ending in the letter y). 

To help you out with your DD celebrations, I found a few thirst quenching...
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I'm a total cranky-pants when it comes to the summer heat (just ask any of my co-workers or friends). I get so lethargic and all I want to do is stay home by myself, sit in my underwear and watch Netflix. When these days get especially bad and I should really be sequestered away from civilization, I reach for lipstick. Remember: when all else fails, there is always lipstick and retail therapy...
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When it comes to everyday makeup, I'm usually a bare lid and mascara type of gal. Yet every so often and especially for a special meeting, date or occasion I go with a fully done eye. Of course, there's an art to do a fabulous eye and I'm not always feeling creative enough to pull it off. That's why I find tutorials and guides so nifty! They break down the secret to the eye and tell you what...
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