Relax Articles

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We once spoke about how much we learned on a daily basis simply by being online. Personally, I'm currently enrolled at U of YouTube, working towards my PhD in braiding hair and makeup application.

Related note: IMDb is THE BEST procrastination tool. Ever wanted to know every single movie that Nicholas Cage was in? Of course you do and obviously you need to find out right this...
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Ever been stuck in a rut? Maybe you just had a rough day? We've all been there. When I get bitten by the 'blah' bug, I look around me to find some pieces of inspirations to get me motivated again. As cheesy as it sounds, sometimes a few wise words can make all the difference in my day. 

I decided to spread some inspiration in this edition of Daily Dose of Adorable. Here are a few...
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On this Valentine's Day, I have a special message for all you chicks out there: you complete me. 

Also, you had me at hello. 

Oh rom coms, you fulfill me in a way that no other film genre ever will. Sure, rom coms are cheese-tastic and predictable. But aren't they also oh-so satisfying? 

To celebrate love, romance and all that gooey gushy...
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You may remember that not too long ago I embarked on a journey into the online dating world. I had mixed results, to say the least. However, I picked myself up, dusted off the creepers and decided to keep at it. Hey, free dinners, right? (Kidding... but not totally.) Weaving my way through online dating services, I came upon Grouper Social Club

Grouper? Social Club?...
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Monopoly used to be one of my favourite board games. I say 'used to be' because it was our go-to family night activity until a very heated argument over who owned what property took place and since that fateful Monopoly Incident, I haven't touched the board. 

Well, that is going to have to change because I stumbled upon this too cute version that I am pretty sure was made...
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I'm always excited to see the new Disney Dream Portraits. Is it childhood nostalgia or just that I never truly outgrew fairytales in the first place? I'll never tell.

Taylor Swift is the latest starlet to appear in front of Annie Leibovitz's talented lens as Rapunzel. Here's a first look:

While our focus often lingers on the pretty, we would be amiss to ignore funny men Jack Black,...
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Goodbye 2012 and Hello 2013! 

Someone once told me (and I hope that whoever it is doesn't read this because for the life of me, I cannot remember who exactly it was) that at the beginning of every new year, if you can look back and say, 'What the heck was I thinking?' then you've lived an excellent year. 

Looking back and shaking your head means that you've evolved,...
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It's Christmas Day and I just spent the last 2 1/2 hours gripping the arm of the stranger sitting beside me in a sold-out movie theater.  Les Misérables, smash musical based on the novel of the same name came to the big screen today and it's everything I hoped it would be.  

Academy Award-winning director Tom Hooper's cast includes Hugh Jackman (Valjean), Russell Crowe...
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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays Chicks! 

We want to take the opportunity to have a little heart to heart with you. The holidays are a time to spend with our loved ones and we here at Chickadvisor consider you deserving of that title. 

ChickAdvisor is a community, a family and a support system. and wouldn't exist without the members. So from the bottom of our hearts, we want to thank...
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While I love my family and getting to spend oh so much time with them over the holidays (seriously, I do), I need some alone time too. When it all becomes a bit much, I like to escape with my favourite television show. Having a marathon with my TV BFFs and some hot tea is blissful when the holidays become stressful (and if you're my family, loud too!) 

Here are some of my picks for tv...
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