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Ali's Archive

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Earlier this month spa junkies, Canadian TV personalities and beauty industry experts flocked to celebrate the launch of the newest phenomenon in spa travel - SpaAndTravel.com. For those of you who love to travel, pamper yourself and/or spoil your friends rotten, listen up!

Launched by top makeup artist Josée Beaudoin (pictured), it allows you to book or easily get reviews on hotels and day spas...
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Last night was so much fun! Thanks to everyone who attended our Mini Cocktail Party for Dove. The red velvet cream cheese cupcakes stole the show... until we brought out the swag.

We sprung the posing wall on our unsuspecting guests when they arrived with promises of extra goodies from Dove, Benefit and Mary Kay cosmetics. Their posing put us H.Q Chicks to shame, but you will be able to judge for...
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It turns out we got some more goodies to give away at the party tonight and so we've put together additional mini-packages - but here's the catch. It's only for those of you willing to submit to our posing wall tonight.

Oh no we didn't! Oh yes... we did.
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Those of you who have been web geeking around for a while know how to write some basic html. For the rest of you, if you want to link to something you are talking about in the forums here, this is how to do it:

(click to enlarge)

If you do it correctly, it will appear like this: My favourite restaurant is Osteriacicerietria.
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If you haven't taken a peek in our forums lately, you may have missed we are teaming up with our friends at Dove for a mini cocktail party for ChickAdvisor members this Thursday night!

The party will include pink champagne, cupcakes and of course... swag.

See what we've been doing this afternoon?

When our friends at Benefit got wind of the festivities, they sent over a little bit of Lemon...
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Now that we are all cozy in our new office, the ChickAdvisor H.Q girls decided it would be fun to kick off a little bit early the last Friday of every month for a group activity, hence "Fun Friday" was born. Last week was the first and here's what we did...

An afternoon at Dark Horse Espresso Bar for cappuccinos, raspberry oat bars and conversations that can't be printed publicly was...
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This made us giggle...

"Please ask the webmaster to take my address off of the google search as it still shows up when you put in my salon. thanks in advance."

Honey, if we could control Google we'd be lying on a beach right now getting a massage from 3 muscular man servants while downing piña coladas. If that happens, you can come with. ;)

Read more Fan Mail Friday
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It's chilly outside but we're keeping warm at ChickAdvisor H.Q with warm woolies and boots.

Julie-Anne looks snappy yet cozy in her Forever 21 Jacket with sleeve ruffles.

Mandy rocks long boots, a statement necklace and crisp winter white jacket (who knew a summer jacket could look so sharp in the winter?) Mental note to copy this look next week.

I, without shame give you my furry winter hat...
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My name is Ali and I am a concealaholic. Between hiding my under eye bags, concealing sporadic redness and broken capillaries, and thwarting ill timed zits that arrive whenever I am to appear in public, Girlfriend does not leave the house without concealer. (If I do, I inevitably run into someone I know. Does that happen to you too?)

Which brings me to why this product is my must have pick of the...
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My good friend, Ellen over at Lipstick Powder 'n Paint alerted me to the horror of this video over lunch. Truth be told, it was one of several gross topics we cackled over with fellow webbies/media types Sandy Gold and Sandy Caetano. What do you think? Does this influence what kind of makeup you buy?

This was another topic of discussion since there has been an influx of new products for...
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