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Jellybean Coloured Nails Pose-off
It's pretty hard writing about all of the gorgeous spring makeup this year without trying some of it on.  Especially nail polish.  It's remarkable how two coats of the right colour can totally make you look pulled together when you really aren't, wouldn't you agree? 

We tried on a selection of this spring's colours that remind us of jellybeans.  There was...
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Before we get into this, I think we all need to take a minute to appreciate the superwoman that is Beyonce. I feel like she was pregnant for about a nanosecond, had the baby and then came out looking like a supermodel the next day. She must be a wizard, there is no other explanation. 

Now getting into this specific look. Beyonce has been out and about recently wearing lots of colour and...
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I received free samples from Procter and Gamble in preparation of writing this piece. This post reflects my personal opinion and was not influenced by the sponsors.

Roadtripping is not only an economical way to travel; it also presents a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in your vacation in a way that an exclusive upscale resort could never offer (i.e. knee deep in crushed Cheetos and...
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Hey chicks, have you caught the pinning bug yet?

Pinterest is now the hottest thing since sliced bread and we admit, we've become addicted! If you haven’t already, you can follow ChickAdvisor on Pinterest here. Because we’ve gone "pin-sane" these days, we thought it would be fun to hold a Pin-centric contest! That's right, we're launching ChickAdvisor's Pin it to Win it...
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We know how it goes: some days you have plenty of time to go all out with your eye makeup, but other mornings you're rushing out the door and need an eye-brightening, natural look that you can pull together in less time than it takes to find the last bottle of Starbucks Frappuccino hiding out in the back of your fridge.

Revlon recently sent us their new Spotlight Eyelash Curler to try...
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*I received free samples from Procter and Gamble in preparation of writing this piece. This post reflects my personal opinion and was not influenced by the sponsors.

With today’s economy and airfares still on the rise, road trips near and far have become a tantalizing travel alternative for many of us.

What better way for you and the girls to bond and gossip than on a road trip? But first...
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This week, we have two incredible prizes. These babies are both hot products and I am seriously jealous of whoever gets their hands on them. In fact, I almost considered accidently "losing" these prizes this week (and by "losing" I mean, putting them in my purse). 

What prizes have we got up for grabs?

CoverGirl BlastFlipstick in #815 Flashy (C$9.99)

Maybelline DreamLumi Touch...
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Even though the sun may be shining, it isn't quite the balmy days of summer just yet. Despite what some crazy people wearing shorts on the streets of Toronto may think, (hem, hem, you know who you are!) it hasn't been warm enough to bare our hot gams in minis. What's a gal and her gams to do? 

'Tight it up', of course!

We've posed off in some pretty
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I actually count myself as a fan of Ms. Nicole Richie. I like that beneath her steely fashionista exterior, it's still the girl who played sidekick to Paris Hilton on The Simple Life. I like that she's funny and personable while still always looking adorable chic and playing up her assets. 

Well, that's what I believed until I saw this outfit. I cannot stand this dress. I know it...
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*I received free samples from Procter and Gamble in preparation of writing this piece. This post reflects my personal opinion and was not influenced by the sponsors.

I am a funny sort of traveler.  I genuinely love the process of getting somewhere almost as much as the destination itself (I know, weird right?), which is part of the reason most of our vacations involve roadtripping...
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