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During the summer months, my reading material needs to be that perfect blend of humour, romance and fun, of course some juicy drama thrown in doesn't hurt either! I'm a big fan of beach reads. I love light hearted novels that I can just relax and unwind with. Sure, it isn't War and Peace or anything but who doesn't love some guilty pleasure reading in the sun? 

There are...
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I was going to write up a Gratuitous Hottie Face Off: Fairy Tale Edition, but then, I realized that there were just way too many hot boys to chose from! I mean, it was just not going to happen if I was expected to chose from Chris Hemsworth and Heath Ledger. That's just cruel and unusual punishment. 

Instead, I decided to give you a round up of my 10 of my favourite fairy tale hotties....
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If you've never been to S.F before it's a good idea to do some research before you travel. Like any big city, the tourist experience is quite different from the local life.  The cool neighbourhoods and independent cafes and shops likely aren't walkable from your hotel.  They're tucked away in more remote parts so unless you know where you're going you won't find...
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(image via staceyable.com
Photographs to document your wedding day and your engagement are an essential to most couples. Your photographs will always be there to remind you of such a special time. Only, I can't stand those ridiculously cheesy couple shots that seem to be so popular with wedding photogs these days. I mean, I have never once stared out a window pensively while...
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Lately I can't get enough of D.I.Y home projects. That's partly because being at home with a baby has made me a little obsessed with 'feathering my nest'. Everything needs to be stylish and organized or it just doesn't sit right. It's almost instinctual. In the early spring I cleaned my closet. Now I'm decorating.

This project is fun and easy to do. It should take you...
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I love long weekends. Who doesn't, right? I super, duper love them though because all of my out of town friends come back home for the weekend and I get to spend some quality BFF time with them. We like to have little 'staycations' on long weekends. We spend the weekend doing tons of fun stuff that we might not normally have the time to do during the weeks and of course, we get to do...
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Let’s think back to that day when we got our period for the very first time.  If your experience was anything like mine, it came with a little nervous excitement, a big scary mess, and a mother who proudly proclaimed to her peeps that her little girl had finally become a woman (I was a late bloomer). 

Up to that point, the extent of my knowledge of this miracle of menstruation...
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Attention chicks: Mother's Day is May 13th. That's this coming Sunday! Are you prepared? No? Running a little behind on the shopping? Hey, it's cool because I have three super easy, super inexpensive and super cute crafty ideas that also happen to be kid-friendly! 

Each of these crafts uses only a few materials, all of which can be found in a quick trip to the dollar store....
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Hello Readers and friends! My name is Miranda and I'm so thrilled to be part of the ChickAdvisor team as the Graphic Designer. This fall, I will be advancing into my final year of the BAA Technical/Scientific Illustration program at Sheridan College. In summary, here are five things about me that will hopefully inspire some interest.

I love all aspects of the art world, but I truly have a...
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So, you're not exactly a cleverly crafty individual? Maybe you're arts and crafts track record is less than stellar. And yes, maybe your idea of DIY is opening the phone book and calling an interior decorating (because, hey, you did technically do that yourself, didn't you?). That's okay, because I have the perfect fool proof crafting ingredient: chalkboard paint

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