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They say that when you're close to delivering you get this unexpected surge of energy. If that means an uncontrollable urge to clean the windows, polish the floors and bake some cookies, I'm so there.
I've spent the last couple of weeks washing all of my teeny tiny baby clothes, buying diapers, dusting the house from top to bottom and arranging the nursery.
Here it is. Do you like... Continue Reading Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus bas
I'm on the Brink of Baby and I have to admit that the whole experience has been better than I thought it would be. I feel more myself than I thought I would, people are nicer to me than I could have expected, and it's been thrilling to experience baby growing inside me. I can't sugar coat month nine though. Month nine is a beast for several reasons, many of which, unfortunately involve... Continue Reading Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus bas
Finding the right stroller is one of the first things you'll want to cross off your list when preparing for baby. Not only can it be really expensive, you're going to spend a lot of time hauling it around, loading it into your car or struggling with stairs when no wheelchair ramp is provided. It's really important to find one that meets not only your budget but your lifestyle.
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Joining the ranks of kittens playing instruments, infomercial spoofs and people getting hit in the face/kneecaps/other sensitive areas is a new youtubing trend, dubbed “WombTube” by Slate.com writer, Marisa Meltzer. The concept of WombTube is simple: women sharing one of their most private moments—getting the results of a pregnancy test—for all of the world to see on YouTube.
After... Continue Reading Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus bas
This list is without exception. If you don't listen to me and do it, you will feel badly about yourself, and pregnant ladies aren't supposed to feel badly about themselves. We're supposed to glow. I'll cut to the chase...
...Attempt to pull on your pre-preggy jeans just to "see how far they'll go." I got mine up to my knees at six months and it took a lot of sweat... Continue Reading Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus bas
Everyone says that when you're pregnant you look beautiful and no one is judging your weight gain. I always thought so before, until it was me. But now that it is and I will be my largest in the summer, I'm feeling more bloaty and blobby than beautiful. The thought of wearing a swimsuit in public at this stage fills me with horror.
Thankfully, after doing a little research I've... Continue Reading Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus bas
So far in my pregnancy diaries, I've shared a lot of the frustrating or funny things that happen with pregnancy—like excessive gas or selfish people on the subway. But don't be alarmed there is good stuff, too! No, this isn't the "best I've ever felt" and I don't see myself as "glowing" but there are few things cooler than feeling your baby kick for the first time. The... Continue Reading Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus bas
I'm starting to get cranky riding the streetcar and subway in Toronto. It's not because we're all packed like sardines or because the person standing next to me this morning let one go that stank up the whole front section. It's that everyone is so completely oblivious. Oblivious to the old lady struggling to stand and carry her grocery bags or the eight-months pregnant woman... Continue Reading Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus bas
"Is she pregnant or did she just gain weight?" I can tell that's what people are thinking when they look at me these days. They don't say anything of course, but their eyes skim over my fuller face (lucky me, it's the first place I gain weight), then carry on to my little pouch and in some horrifying cases, my hips. Don't get me wrong—I don't look fat by any means but to... Continue Reading Pour lire cet article en français, voir plus bas
When I gave birth to my son, I chose not to have an epidural. This is not a common choice: after all, if it means a free pass on the pain of labour and delivery, why wouldn't I jump at the chance?
No, I wanted to try giving birth naturally. My mother gave birth four times without an epidural, I reasoned. How hard could it be? So I stood my ground and declined it, though... Continue Reading