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It's not a secret, I'm a chocolate junkie. And as far as I can recall, it has always had a special place in my heart. Being pregnant at the moment, I do not have any weird cravings, although I cannot say no to the rich taste of a piece of good quality dark chocolate ;)

I am aware that healthy choices are important in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle, especially now that I have a...
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My skin care regimen used to be quite basic. And by basic, I mean I wasn't sure what I was doing. I would only use a cleanser to remove my makeup and skip the moisturizer because I have oily skin. Putting hydrating products on oily skin seemed counter-intuitive to me, right?

Luckily, I eventually learned how wrong my way of thinking was. There's a reason cleansers and moisturizers are made...
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As a cat owner, I want what’s best for Escher, my beloved companion (and of course my brother’s adorable chihuahua, Augustine, who happens to be my “godchild”). Whether it is a yearly visit to the vet, emptying his litter box and providing him with fresh water and food on a daily basis, petting him, or giving him treats from time to time, I see that the good care I provide him is...
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I am a milk-and-cookies kind of mom. And sometimes I even share those cookies with my children.

Unfortunately, since having my youngest son I have become lactose intolerant! Thankfully I'm able to enjoy my favourite cheeses, but regular milk as a beverage or in my morning cereal is no longer an option.

When I first started drinking non-dairy alternatives years ago, I was not really excited...
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Becoming a parent comes with as many unknowns as it does preconceptions about what you should or should not do. Heaven forbid you should buy the wrong stroller or forget to put them on a prestigious preschool's waiting list!

I have three kids, and while I experienced the biggest learning curve with my first child, #2 and #3 proved to me that each baby is different and the knowledge I...
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Recently we spoilered that a huge Product Review Club opportunity was coming your way featuring Shellac™. Well, the wait is over! 

Shellac™ is a nail colour system that, when correctly applied, is designed to deliver 14+ days of high-performance wear with no nail damage. Whaaaaat? 

Damage to nails can occur at several stages: incorrect nail prep before the manicure, not...
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Let's start off by saying that we're not suggesting a return to the days of forcing young girls to spend hours learning needlework instead of studying chemistry and playing competitive sports.

However, aside from a mandatory semester or two in Home Economics class most of us are pretty useless when it comes to a needle and thread. In fairness, we're also too busy to learn this basic skill...
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I am not at all ready for my boy to start school next month. I’m not talking about procrastinating with school supply shopping.  I am not emotionally prepared for Jake to be in kindergarten.  

It seems like he was a newborn just yesterday and now I’m expected to turn him out into the world.  Suit him up, slap on a backpack, put together a healthy lunch respecting all...
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Shoe shopping is the best kind of shopping, agreed? 

In the excitement of finding THE perfect pair for summer, we easily forget the inevitable breaking-in period and the blisters that often come with it. Whether you're sporting classic flats, working out in a fresh pair of trainers, or strutting some sky-high stilettos, shoes can rub us the wrong way. And what about those pairs you...
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Je suis toujours à bout de souffle...

Pour réussir à garder une vie quasi normale, j’ai décidé de restreindre les activités de mes enfants à une seule par saison : le basketball durant l’hiver, le soccer au printemps et les cours de natation à l’été. Malgré tout, avec trois enfants j’arrive difficilement à faire coïncider leurs horaires...
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