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My kids have me on the run. 

I try to maintain some sanity by limiting the activities to one at a time: basketball during winter, soccer in spring, and swimming lessons for a few weeks in summer. However, I have THREE children and rarely do their commitments sync up for optimal scheduling. We're on the go constantly, so I need a stash of...
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Getting my 8 full glasses of water a day is very important, especially during these hot summer months. I find it’s so easy to forget to stay hydrated with the hustle and bustle of summer activities, and let’s face it: water is just plain boring sometimes.

That’s why I absolutely love soda water. The bubbliness is exciting, and it’s a...
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Boire huit verres d’eau quotidiennement est pour moi très important, surtout durant les journées chaudes d’été. Cependant, j’éprouve parfois de la difficulté à rester bien hydratée parce que primo, je suis hyper occupée par toutes les activités estivales que je ne veux pas manquer et secundo, avouons-le-nous, l’eau plate porte bien son...
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We all have those trouble spots which need a lil’ extra TLC, and for me that’s my dry, not-so-nice looking heels. I suffer from extremely rough skin on the back of my feet which I inherited (I’m looking at you, Dad!), and while I wouldn’t mind so much if I were, say, trekking across the country Hobbit-style, I prefer a more conventionally attractive look on my heels.

I have gone to...
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When you become a parent, nothing is more important than giving your baby the best possible care. Suddenly we look much more critically at our kitchen pantries and cleaning supplies than when we were carefree students and young professionals!

When my first child was born, organic food was just starting to break into the mainstream but was not...
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Everything is digital-this and smart-that, but I guess we knew it was coming. 2015 is the year of the flying DeLorean* after all, and ever since I discovered that my kids have never seen a rotary telephone or heard a phone's busy signal in their entire lives, I realized that the times have truly changed.

(*Did I just betray my age? Bonus points if you have a hot clue where that reference...
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Whoo hoo! It's countdown to summer camp. Kids are just as excited about the activities and daily pancake breakfasts as parents are about having some quality time alone.

Do you find packing your child's bags for camp stressful? There are so many “Do’s” & “Don’ts” that you have to consider! Will she be embarrassed if I pack her Disney character underwear? Deet or Deet-free...
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We all know we're supposed to get a full eight hours of sleep every night, but how often does that really happen? Some of us are moms of night-owl toddlers, while others have demanding careers or irregular sleeping patterns. A restorative eight-hour night is like a mythical unicorn: we've heard of it... but does it really exist?

It's called beauty sleep for a reason because nighttime hours...
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My family hails from the Caribbean and I have been fortunate to visit frequently. Don’t hate! While I enjoy this access to natural Vitamin D, the fact is that the sun and I have a bit of a love-hate relationship.

Growing up, my sunscreen use was not so frequent and I now have many freckles that bear witness to it. When you’re a child, the last thing you think about is waiting...
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When you have a child, everything changes. Your priorities shift, sleep is a luxury, and your new favourite accessory is not a sparkly clutch but a military-grade diaper bag. This 24/7 job won't contribute to your RRSP or come with an expense account, but it does pay out in toothless grins, hilarious developmental milestones, and more love than you ever thought you could possibly...
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