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Monster Jam Reviews

This product has brought so much joy to the special little people in my life I'm continuing to pass it on. Not only is the product an exact replica of original it truly sounds like it too am absolutely extricate about this toy

Love the colours, they are bright and funky. My son loves how they look feel, he saies they are smooth and race amazing down his tracks. Perfect for little hand and big.

My kids loved this remote controlled monster truck soo much! They could not wait to get it out and charged up so they could take it outside a drive it around. I wish the frame of the monster truck was a little bit sturdier than it was. My kids played with it for hours and...

My son absolutely loves this car.
However the batery only last a good 15-20 mins.
Is there a special way of recharging the battery? Those the on switch have to be on a certain option?

This toy was a hit with my grandson! He is 5 years old and is crazy about sharks, so obviously the megalodon was a huge hit with him. He really enjoyed having the 2 cars so we could play together. The controls were easy for him to pick up. He has had hours of fun with this pair...

Perfect for my 5 year old!! He loved this toy instantly, played with it for hours…easy to assemble, simple instructions and VERY cute! We loved it! Fun for our whole family :):)

My son and daughter both absolutely love this! My daughter plays with it the most. I let them put it together. The were easily able to do it themselves.
Having independent children means they love doing it themselves.
On the first day, my daughter spent a couple hours just...

My boys loveddd this truck, I needed up going back to the store and buying a second to stop the fighting!! Definitely worth the money, keeps them busy !!

My son loves this El Toro Loco Monster truck. This monster truck keeps him busy for hours even after the battery has died. I do have a few dislikes about this truck, the first thing is the charging cord is too short, the second thing is the cord cover falls off when driving the...

This toy provides hours of entertainment. My boys who are 8 and 5 love cars and monster trucks. we love watching monster jam and they love now having part of the action at home with us. the toy is easy to use and fun to play with

How fun are monster trucks?! My kids are obsessed! Kinetic Sand is SO fun! It doesn't dry out and doesn't need to stay in its container! It doesn't get stick in fur and hair and is easily wiped off of furniture! Such a great product! The truck drives well and the ramp is fun for...

My son had a blast playing with this. He said it's really cool because he thinks it looks like a dragon. He had a great time using it to plow through his other monster trucks. You can lift the front of the plow up and down. He also really liked it for independent play. He drove...

We all play with this , my son had no trouble opening the packaging as he was excited , sadly couldn’t find the barrels without YouTube’s help .
We have all played with this and provide my son and our family with hours off fun.
The barrels and yellow container are little...

Monster Jam Mini my grandson loved it, even though he's only a 2 yr old . I was worried about him trying to put it in his mouth but did not , he played with the mini in his little rug car track with his other little cars .

Well my 3 year old literally eat sleeps and drinks monster trucks so it was a no brainier we was going to buy him this.
Although first one we purchased broke within few mins so had to send back for replacement . The replacement is still going strong after few months even though...