This product is ok. Not a necessity. I got it as a gift but probably would not have went out of my way to buy it.
I want to love this, I love the way it looks and it's so sturdy and comfortable looking but my kids are just too fat. They've never fit in these. I also don't think that they need to cost as much as they do, they're so basic, like really.
I like the seat and the idea but I find it hard to get my daughter strapped in the way the buckle is right in between her legs. I'm also worried I will catch her skin in it when I buckle it. I wouldn't use it without the buckle though.
The product may be great for some people but it didn't work for us. My daughter's legs were too big for the leg openings, so she couldn't even sit into the seat. I'm so glad I didn't buy one of these. We ended up getting the Mommas and Poppas seat and it fit my daughter perfectly.
We got this at a baby shower and I loved the look and idea of the chair, but we didn't seem to get much use out of it. From the time that my little one could sit up comfortably in it we only had about a month use before he was to big for it. I think the curved prop pillows would be much more useful.
I feel like this product is forcing babies to be in a sitting position before their bodies are strong enough or ready enough to actually do so.
These reviews are the subjective opinions of ChickAdvisor members and not of ChickAdvisor Inc.