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Baby & Children Pain Relief Reviews

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Infant Tylenol

1 review

Infants Tylenol has been such a big help with teething . My son started teething pretty early on and he would cry and cry and not sleep much . With infant Tylenol he sleeps through the night and in extreme day cases it calms him down within five minutes. I do recommend the...
Advil Pediatric Drops For Infants

1 review

Baby advil is our go to for those TOUGH days where my son is teething. Really helps with the pain, although we don't do it ALL the time. Better than tylenol for teething!
Frezyderm baby gums gel

1 review

I purchased this after exhausting every other teething product available. I stumbled across it during an advertising campaign on Instagram but thought there was no harm trying despite thinking it would be another thing added to the list of do not work items. Oh how wrong I was!...
Mombella mushroom teether

2 reviews

Baby girl loves this teether. The shape keeps the mushroom in the grasp and she can easily transfer mushroom to her mouth and chomp away. For $12 ish dollars on Amazon the value is undeniable.
Hyland's Homeopathic for kids

1 review

I found this homeopathic medication at my local superstore. As my son started to have sniffles as the colds season is here. Tried it and it really works to my son!yes everyone has different effectiveness and reaction to any medication. I been using other homeopathic medicines...
Infants' Mylicon

1 review

This product worked like a charm! When my baby had gas pains it was a nightmare. After giving this to him he felt better in one to two doses. Its safe enough to use with every feeding if they need it.
2 Pack ZarBee's Naturals Children's Cough Syrup Natural Cherry Flavor 4 oz

1 review

This was one of the best brands ever that has worked well for my son especially when helping with his cough but also a better tasting one. Funnily enough this is the only one he will drink without fussing or spitting it out. To add to it he said that it coated his through and...
Mommy’s bliss gas drops

1 review

These drops are a godsend!! My son for a few days was so constipated nothing would help! I went to my mommy group and the all said gas drops the mommy’s bliss kind! After a few minutes we were able to do some bicycle kicks and oh man did he cut the cheese !! One happy relieved...

2 reviews

I've always had a bottle of this in my medicine cupboard since I had my first son. It's always been my go to for pain relief for my boys....it's helped through teething stages, immunisations, colds. My eldest will only have the strawberry one (or in his words the pink one) it...
Calpol Nose Spray

2 reviews

This saline nasal spray works so well for cleaning mucous in babies nose. It is easy and gentle to use. It works very quickly and effectively. It is safe to use on babies and helps clear their noses easily.
Junior Strength Advil Chewables, Grape

1 review

We use this mostly for fevers and pain. This pain reliever works well and usually within 30 minutes you can see a difference. Good taste and scent. Only down fall is that you need 3 tablets for a max dose for older children and this will use up a bottle quickly. I think maybe...
Couche Costco

1 review

Je suis ravis premièrement du rapport qualité prix! Il y a un indicateur pour savoir si la couche est souillée ou non! Le confort pour mon enfant et juste parfait il n’a pas fait de rougeur ou de bouton elle sont simplement parfaites!
Baby Vick’s

1 review

I like using the Baby Vick’s on my girl- it’s a product that works to soothe and isn’t overpowering. It’s not greasy, nor does it stain. My daughter even likes to apply it herself lol!
Fridababy Windii

2 reviews

My son continues to have has problems and he is almost 7 months old. I tried out the Frida Windii’s after reading about them. I will never use anything else. It works on him almost every time. There are times where nothing will work. I highly recommend Frida Windii’s for any...
Gaviscon infant

2 reviews

life saver screaming preemie for 6 weeks before finally they prescribed and this works a treat comes in sachets easy to pour and soothes them well i would recommend to all
Zarbee's Cough and Mucus Syrup

8 reviews

I don’t like using a bunch of medication for my little one. This one is all natural which checks the boxes I want it to while also remaining effective. She hasn’t had any reactions or issues with it, she takes it well so I assume it must taste OK. I will definitely keep...
Weleda chamomile granules

1 review

I have used this for both colic and teething for my boy who is 11 months and its been a life saver; the best thing about it is it contains no harmful chemical or additives chamomile is fantastic (tastes sweet) and is natural can be taken as many times needed 😬
Ashton and Parsons

2 reviews

I tried everything to ease my poor baby through the awful teething times, nothing worked as well as these amazing powders! She is so eager to take them too, which must mean they taste ok. A little on the expensive side, but worth the money!
Dentinox colic drops

1 review

My 7 week old has suffered with bad colic since around 2 weeks old, and these drops are amazing. Even though they aren't literal drops but more like a thick liquid, they are a life saver. They help relive the trapped wind and the associated pain and leave my daughter a lot...
Infrared Digital Thermometer by Paramed – Instant Scan Dual Function Ear And Forehead Baby Medical Thermometer – Backlight Display with Fever Alarm – Clinically Calibrated For Adult Kids Infant FDA Approved

1 review

I received the paramed infrared thermometer. I like that it comes with a carrying bag. it is easy to use one button accurate every time. it is decently priced. I would recommend this product to anyone who is in the market for a new thermometer.