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149 reviews
Oral-B Pulsonic Power Toothbrush Reviews


Pulsonic is Oral-B's slimmest and lightest sonic toothbrush.  It whitens teeth by reducing up to 94% of surface stains in two weeks but still gentle on your teeth and gums.  Pulsonic also features a timer to help you brush for 2 minutes as recommended by dentists.

    Reviews and Ratings


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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    December 15, 2011

    I was so thrilled to be chosen to try the Oral-B Pulsonic Power Toothbrush because this was my first ChickAdvisor Product Review Club review. Plus, I always wanted to try Oral-B’s power toothbrushes but couldn’t justify spending the money when I could get the same results with a $5-$8 power toothbrush or my regular manual toothbrush with baking soda toothpaste. Boy was I wrong.
    Brushing my teeth with the Oral-B Pulsonic Power Toothbrush was like getting my teeth professionally cleaned at the dentist. I was amazed at how well it cleaned away plaque in comparison to my manual tooth or even the $5-$8 power toothbrushes that I used in the past. It was virtually nonexistent. With other toothbrushes I would have to brush several times just to remove plaque and get that clean feeling. The contoured toothbrush bristles allowed for food and plaque to be removed that were near the gum line. I have been using this toothbrush for over a week and am truly impressed with how well it keeps tartar under control as well as remove rather embarrassing stains. There are two different brushing modes, “clean” and “sensitive.” The sensitive mode came in very hand when cleaning near the gum line as it provided a smooth clean without pain or bleeding gums (well, after my gums got used to it the second time round).
    The precision tip was really useful for getting between those hard to reach places like the gap between my teeth and those little areas by the gum line where plaque tends to build up. Switching between the Pulsonic Brush Head and the Precision Brush Head was as easy as 1-2-3. All you had to do to remove the brush heads from the handle was to turn the brush head to the right, remove, and place the Precision Tip on the handle then secure it on the handle by turning it to the left. This was great when came to cleaning the brush heads.
    Once the brush heads were removed you could place it under running water to clean. The best thing about cleaning the Precision brush head was that the water remained on the exterior of the brush head, which was a major problem I faced when I used to use power toothbrushes a long time ago. When cleaning brush heads in other power toothbrushes, the water would remain trapped in the brush head and eventually drain down and corrode the AA battery. The Oral-B Pulsonic Power toothbrush uses a rechargeable battery which is not easily accessible to water because it is tightly secured in the handle. On a single charge, you get about minutes of use which is not too bad considering that you’re only brushing for 2 minutes. There is a timer on the toothbrush that lets you know when you reached the professionally recommended dental brushing time of 2 minutes. I didn’t find the timer to be notice and found myself looking at my watch. It would have been nice if it had a beeping sound.
    Overall, I would probably purchase the Oral-B Pulsonic toothbrush in the future and recommend it to family and friends in spite of my issues with it because I love how clean it makes my gapped toothed smile. When it came to quietness, it was pretty loud in comparison to power brushes that I have used in the past. I wish it was a bit quieter. Even the “sensitive” mode was pretty loud. Another thing that I did not appreciate with this product was that it did not have any covers for the brush heads when they are not in use to protect it from germs and/or airborne allergens.

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    December 15, 2011

    I was very happy to be selected by Chick Advisor for the review of this toothbrush - I had just visited the dentist and he recommended to switch to an electric toothbrush because it seems I press too hard while using a manual one ( that's not good for your gums).

    This brush is very slim if compared to other ones available on the market (like the more expensive Phillips ones and the cheaper ones that uses batteries). That is great for traveling because it can fit my small toiletry pouch easily. Another big plus is that it is rechargeable, and the charger is also not too big. The battery seems to hold for a quite good time so I don't need to take the charger with me for not-so-long trips.I only wish the brush come with some sort of cap for more hygienic storage (a small storage box only for the brush head would be great).

    The toothbrush has 2 operation modes: clean and sensitive. It's very easy to operate. Since I've never used an electric toothbrush before, the first try on 'clean' mode was a bit splashy and somehow tickly. Changing it to 'sensitive' helped me to adapt to the new brush, and that only took a few days.
    When the brush is on, it has 4 cycles of 30 seconds each so you know you when to move to the next quadrant of your mouth. That's very good because I actually started to pay attention on brushing and cleaning all the areas equally.

    I really feel my teeth cleaner after using this brush. I think the price range for it is on the lower side of the 'sonic' brushes, and comparing it side by side on a local retailer, I think the Oral-B Pulsonic does the job as good as the more expensive ones.

    I would definitely recommend this brush to a friend.

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    December 15, 2011

    I was so excited to receive the Oral-B Pulsonic Power toothbrush through the Product Review Club and after using this product i'm amazed by it!! I can't believe how much of a difference there is from a manual brush. Now I find myself just running my tongue over my teeth because it feels so smooth just like after the dentist.

    The toothbrush is just the right size and power. It is extremely easy to use and you can really feel it working. I love the sensation and often find myself using it beyond the 2 minute mark. After using this product my teeth feel so much cleaner and smoother then when I used my manual brush. Also, I noticed that when I floss afterwards there was much less food still stuck in my teeth. I haven't noticed if my teeth are getting any whiter from less surface stains but I think that can take a few weeks-- something to look forward to!

    A few weeks ago I would have scoffed at paying around $100 for a toothbrush but now I can't imagine going back to manual. I've already picked up the 4-pack of replacement heads so that my husband can have his own. I would absolutely recommend this toothbrush and we are both definitely going to continue to use this power toothbrush. I'm actually looking forward to my next dentist appointment to see if he notices a difference.

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    December 15, 2011

    I was so excited to be selected to try this product. I had just seen my dentist the week before and he had suggested that I consider trying an electric toothbrush. I have always used a standard manual toothbrush which I thought was doing the job just fine. Until I tried the Oral-B Pulsonic. Wow what a difference. My teeth felt so clean. Like when you leave the dentist office clean. I love this toothbrush. It is very easy to use. There are two setting "clean" and "sensitive". Even though the information suggested that clean should be ok for most people it wasn't for me. I find using the "sensitive" setting more comfortable. I like how comfortable it is to hold and the timer is great. I find that I am really paying attention to each quadrant of my mouth and making sure that each section gets the same amount of time. I will definitely be buying another brush head so that my husband can try this product as well. Thank you ChickAdvisor, I love it.

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    December 15, 2011

    I have been using the new Oral-B Pulsonic Power Toothbrush for just over a week and I love it!!! When I received the toothbrush, I plugged it in for the recommended 12 hours and then I gave it a try. It is so simple to use, and the instructions are clear and precise. There are 2 heads that come with the Pulsonic, one for regular brushing and a precision tip for between teeth. There are 2 settings: clean (regular) and sensitive which is for the tongue and between teeth, (though I suppose you could use this if you found some tooth sensitivity from the regular clean mode). I found the toothbrush easy to use, because it has a 2 minute timer. It "breaks" at 30 second intervals to let you know it is time to move on to the next quadrant of your mouth. At the end of the 2 minutes it "breaks" twice to let you know you are done! The toothbrush moves at about 27,000 "gentle sonic vibrations" per minute, which is supposed to help whiten teeth. After using this product for about a week, and have noticed a slight difference in colour and my teeth seem brighter! Each time I use the toothbrush I feel like I have just had my teeth cleaned at the dentist. I also find that my teeth feel clean throughout the day, even after eating (if I do not brush again). Compared to a manual toothbrush, my teeth feel cleaner and look brighter and whiter. The precision tip did cause a bit of bleeding, which , according to the instructions is normal, and should go away in 2 weeks. I do have a bit of tooth sensitivity, but have not noticed any sensitivity using the Oral-B Pulsonic compared to my regular manual toothbrush. The head of the brush is the perfect size. It rolls over teeth and gums without being too bulky in your mouth. I found the bristles of the head to be comparable to a medium bristle manual toothbrush. I also like the size of the charger base. It takes up a very small space on the counter. This is nothing like the power toothbrushes I remember!!! Overall, I highly recommend this product for its cleaning ability, ease of use and dual modes.

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    December 15, 2011

    I was also lucky enough to be chosen to review this product and was so excited when I received it in the mail. I've never actually used an electric tooth brush before so I didn't really know what to expect. I've been very pleasantly surprised by this product because I don't really think I believed it could be better than manually cleaning my teeth. I was most-definitely wrong. I use it 2 times per day and my mouth always feels as though I've just come from having my teeth cleaned at the dentist - which I love! I'm looking forward to my next check-up to see if my dentist notices a difference. I'm also really happy with it's size; it's not bulky at all, like I'd expected. It fits in my toiletry bag, like my old tooth brush would.
    Thanks Chick Advisor!! I'd highly recommend this tooth brush!!

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    December 14, 2011

    I was lucky enough to chosen by Chick Advisor to use and rate Oral B's Pulsonic Power Toothbrush. This was my first time using an electrical powered toothbrush and to be honest, I was at first skeptical about how it would differ from a regular manual toothbrush. Boy, was I wrong! After only one use, I felt like my teeth were cleaner and more polished than I could ever get them with a manual toothbrush. I've been using this toothbrush twice a day for less than a week and I already notice visibly cleaner teeth. I also appreciate how slim it is and how the small stand doesn't take up much room on my bathroom countertop. I love my new toothbrush, and I'm excited to see a whiter smile soon too!

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    December 14, 2011

    This was the first time I'd ever tried an electric toothbrush and the first few days while I got used to it - the movement, discovering how much pressure to use (turns out a great deal in my case), and how to get the toothpaste to stay on (I really squish it into the bristles) - were a bit rough.

    However, I've been using it another week since we made friends and I feel that throughout the day my teeth feel smoother, and a few days ago I noticed my teeth looking whiter - I hadn't realized that was part of the deal until recently! I've never used anything to whiten my teeth previous to this, and I drink a lot of tea, so that's saying something. I also get a stain on one of my front teeth that my dentist usually has to buff off, but I can already see it fading!

    I also like the narrow head of the brush because I have all of my wisdom teeth and the shape makes it very easy to clean those teeth without hitting the gag reflex.

    It was a rough start but I'm glad I stuck with it!

    The only downside is that I don't have a place in my bathroom to charge it continuously, but I'm so impressed that I will find a way to deal with that.

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    December 14, 2011

    I was lucky enough to get picked to review the ORAL-B Pulsonic power toothbrush!! Thank you Chick Advisor! I had thought about buying one before but the price put me off a little, i dont mind spending the money if its a great product but we have all bought things and they dont stack up, well not it this case. I LOVE this toothbrush!!!! Even the first time i used it I cannot believe how great my teeth felt like just coming from a dental cleaning! Amazing. Everytime i use it I feel my teeth get whiter and brighter! I''ll admit I probably wasnt doing the full two recomended minutes before but with the timer you are reminded to change quadrants in your mouth until you have brushed for the full two minutes. Ive also noticed that there is not as much plaque left behind for when i floss! I use the toothbrush on the sensitive setting because the only small problem i had at first was getting used to the vibrating it seemed a little much, it didnt hurt or anything just prefer the sensitive setting!

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    December 14, 2011

    When I received the toothbrush in the mail, my initial reaction was "hmm another one of those disposable power toothbrushes" but to my surprise, I found a SIGNIFICANT difference in quality versus manual toothbrushes AND the other power toothbrushes in the market. I was impressed by the feather lightweight and the slim handle. Though small in size, the Oral-B Pulsonic Power Toothbrush packed a mighty punch. Took some getting used to as the vibration is almost "ticklish"! I love the built in timer that lets you know when to switch to the next quadrant of your mouth. It also lets you know that you have brushed your teeth for the full, dentist recommended 2 minutes. After using this toothbrush for about two weeks, I have noticed that my teeth feel much cleaner, brighter & whiter. The "clean" feeling also lasts way longer. I look forward to tossing out my old crappy manual toothbrush and will use the Oral-B Pulsonic Power Toothbrush going forward!

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