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Similac Reviews

Le lait Similac advanced est le seule lait que ma cocotte digère et aime avec les autres sortes de laits ma fille a des colliques et des gaz j'adore ce produit

I took similac mom during pregnancy to supplement the calories/nutrients I needed as I throw up most of what I eat. This helped me all through out my second to third trimester. This tastes really good too!

Baby had a lactose sensitivity and tried every other milk. This was the only milk that helped! Baby wasnt a fan of the taste but after a week or so they were adjusted. Wish it came in a bigger can since they are small for the price.

I started using this similac easy to diagest formula when my boy was five weeks old. He never had any issues with it. No gas, no colic. I can recommend it to parents whose babies have sensitive stomachs. I like it a lot

My little one used to take lactofree from similac but he's slimmer in his age group. i started giving him this milk a week ago, it's perfect for him and he's now gaining weight

This isn't for the on the go type but I suppose it's still all the same. My boy was a much happier one after putting him on this formula. I think every baby should start on something sensitive for their tiny little bellies.