I have a few Guess handbags and love all of them. They are durable, cute and so much fun!!! I always get compliments on them.
My daughter and I both use Guess handbags. They are so well made. The designs are beautiful and the quality is superb. Guess handbags are very sturdy, the stitching is very well done and the zippers and handles are strong. We are very happy with Guess handbags. They are worth every penny.
I been buying Guess Handbags and walletts for along time now .i havent had any problem with any yet .take good care of them .
Never had a single issue over the years of me buying guess purses and wallets. Super great prices and I usually sell them before I've ever seen any damage. Great quality and cute too.
I like guess bags they are chic and trendy but if your rough or messy and rough with the zipper it only last for a little while there a lot of money i find, but if you find a good outlet or a store like winner's you could find it for a lesser price.
Guess handbags last for years, if you take care of them. I have few & are still in great condition. Guess stores, guess outlets usually have sales on their handbags, even the Bay does. You can get them for less then $100.
These handbags are very stylish and can be easily taken with any outfit without and contradiction to your outfit.
Guess handbags are always so stylish and beautiful! Their usually pretty good quality...I wouldn't say the absolute best, but definitely much better than department store bags. I just got a new one from my sister for my birthday and I absolutely love how much room it has and how it has not just a zipper pocket inside, but a pocket for my phone and two other small pockets inside.
These reviews are the subjective opinions of ChickAdvisor members and not of ChickAdvisor Inc.