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72 reviews
Oral-B Pulsonic Power Toothbrush Reviews


Pulsonic is Oral-B's slimmest and lightest sonic toothbrush.  It whitens teeth by reducing up to 94% of surface stains in two weeks but still gentle on your teeth and gums.  Pulsonic also features a timer to help you brush for 2 minutes as recommended by dentists.

    Reviews and Ratings


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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    December 13, 2011

    First off, I do not know how much this actually costs because I received it as part of the Product Review program from Chick Advisor - thank you ladies!

    I did do a quick google search however and found many sites saying it's around $50 for a toothbrush, which comes with a dual-speed pulsonic head and a charging port. I'm not sure how long a single head lasts but my guess is, at least 4-6 months and the heads can be bought separately, which will turn out cheaper than buying the whole toothbrush and port again.

    As for use, I found it very effectively cleaned my teeth; I was left with the dentist-clean feeling after brushing my teeth, and it almost seems like it lightened one of two of my darker stains as well! It's really easy to use. There's a single button for changing between modes: high speed, low speed and off. I've only been using it for a week so far. I really like how it vibrates to get a deeper clean, but I find the higher speed/stronger vibration setting is too strong for me. I've been cleaning my teeth on the slower/gentler setting and it's been working just fine for me.

    The toothbrush will pause every thirty seconds to let you know how long you've been brushing which is awesome, because I never actually timed how long I'd been brushing my teeth for. Turns out it's around a minute... a full minute less than the recommended brushing time. Whoops!

    The charge lasts for hours - I left it off the charging port all this week to see how long it'd last, and it's still going without being charged. It said in the instructions it has a battery life of 12 hours and that it's impossible to overcharge it. Works for me!

    Even though the price is a little steep for me and the higher cleaning setting is too strong for me, I have no real deal-breaking complaints. It cleans my teeth really well and it seems really worth it if you're considering something more effective for your teeth. I will be checking out prices for that and it's likely I'll buy the new head when this one wears out.

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    December 12, 2011

    I was very excited to receive this product! I am pretty hard on toothbrushes and so I tend to go through them quite quickly. However the Oral-B Pulsonic Power Toothbrush does all the work for you and has 2 settings that can be easily adjusted with the push of a button.

    The toothbrush is super easy to use, just plug it in and it's ready to go! It also comes with 2 tootbrush heads one that is a regular size and one that is smaller and skinnier allowing you to clean all of the hard to reach places. Another great feature is that the toothbrush vibrates every 30 seconds allowing you to keep track of your brushing time and to remind you to alternate between different areas of the mouth.

    It certainly leaves my teeth feeling squeaky clean and refreshed after every brush, giving them an after the dentist clean feeling! After using the toothbrush for about a week I am starting to see a noticeable difference in the whiteness of my teeth. The brush has in fact helped to remove surface stains as it claimed it would.

    Overall, I am very pleased with this product and would highly recommend it! The only selling point that would make me a bit hesitant would be the price but other toothbrushes do pale in comparison!

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    December 12, 2011

    I've never had an electric toothbrush before, just a manual one so that is what I'll be comparing this product to.

    The toothbrush is pretty simple in appearance, neat and sleek. It comes with with a charger, a regular toothbrush head and a toothbrush pick attachment to reach harder places. There are 2 power settings - the "clean"/higher setting and the "sensitive"/lower setting. The toothbrush always has a little pause every 30 seconds and this tells you to brush in another quadrant of your mouth.

    I first tried the "clean" setting and having not tried an electric toothbrush before, it was pretty crazy! It was too much vibration for my teeth and now I use the sensitive setting. The sensitive setting is much better for me. After using this toothbrush for the first time my teeth felt unusually smooth. I think it's because my teeth were more clean than usual! If this is the case then this toothbrush is better than my regular toothbrush. Therefore this is a pretty good toothbrush to remove plaque.

    I haven't noticed my teeth becoming more white but it could be that I haven't used it long enough. I've had it for about a week so maybe I haven't used it long enough.

    I found the beeping very handy. You can keep brushing more but don't have to. It's nice just to have a reminder.

    Overall I like this toothbrush. Even though my teeth might not be more white I think they're cleaner though I'll be able to know this for sure the next time I go to the dentist :P The only thing I'm not sure about is the price. If the retail price is $70, that means I could get 70 toothbrushes at $1/toothbrush. And if 1 toothbrush lasts about 3 months that's almost 17.5 years of toothbrushes! (If I calculated that correctly). And that would be a lot of savings over a long time considering you'd have to replace the electric toothbrush at times. That is the only con I'd see in this but the money could be worth the benefits of the toothbrush. I guess it'd depend how effective you are at brushing your teeth with a manual toothbrush. I like it!

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    December 12, 2011

    I've never used an electronic toothbrush before so I was incredibly excited to get the chance.
    I had one issue right at the beginning which was that I have an unconventional bathroom and I don't have a plug right near the sink which makes it a little inconvenient. It also made me think that if I had to travel this would not be the most ideal toothbrush considering you do have to plug it in to charge.

    Other than that - I found it did take a while to get used to using it, and having read other reviews, I can't say that I noticed the 30 second buzzing noise (though I definitely will pay attention to that tonight!) I do love the smaller flossing head which is perfect for the areas that are slightly harder to get to.

    All in all - I would recommend it, I do find my teeth feel cleaner and the flossing head is great. Its just not so great if you travel.

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    December 09, 2011

    I'm not generally a fan of electronic toothbrushes, I've tried some other brands in the past and I always go back to my manual brush. However having said that I must admit the Oral B is an exception. I enjoy how easy it is to use and clean, as well as how little space it takes up on my bathroom counter. The 20 second timer feature is pretty neat and I don't believe other brands have this. The brush really leaves your mouth with a fresh clean feeling after brushing and I think in the past week that I've used it my teeth look whiter than before (a very subtle difference). Finally my favorite feature of this brush is that there is no battery required and its rechargeable. All in all I would recommend this brush over any other brand.

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    December 08, 2011

    I was fortunate to be chose to test out this amazing toothbrush!

    I've always used a manual toothbrush and was excited to try out a battery operated one. My initial impression was how slim and light the toothbrush was. The fact that it's rechargeable is a huge selling point for me.

    The toothbrush is simple to operate with 2 settings. I used sensitive for my tongue and it did a great job. Normally after brush with a manual toothbrush my teeth would still feel as if I had missed spots even after a vigorous brushing. This toothbrush left my teeth feeling clean and as if I had just left the dentists office. This was also before flossing and using mouthwash. I was amazed at how thoroughly it cleaned my teeth. I noticed a slight brightness in my teeth after using this toothbrush regularly.

    When I first started using it I had to remember how to hold it to make sure I didn't accidentally hit the button to switch modes which I did a few times. Overall this is a great product. I checked it out in stores and saw the price tag is $99.99. This is something that may have prevented me from buying one but now that i've had a chance to try it, i'm hooked! I'll never go back to a manual toothbrush after using this.

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    December 08, 2011

    I was fortunate enough to be chosen to review this product.

    This toothbrush is very nice. It has a light, slim toothbrush which fits comfortably in your hand. It is actually lighter than my manual toothbrush. The toothbrush has two settings: clean and sensitive. The clean is a strong vibration and the sensitive is gentler. I started with the sensitive to get used to the brushing but now can use both. The toothbrush also comes with a separate cleaner for between teeth. It's good if you really don't like to floss. Another good feature is the timer; it tells you when you have brushed every 30 seconds until you hit the two minute mark which is the recommended brushing time.

    The battery seems to last a long time and the charger takes up little space on the counter. The instruction booklet was fairly easy to understand with its use of pictures. It shows you how to brush your teeth and how to change the brushes. When I first changed the brush heads, I had to look at the booklet as I did not do it properly.
    It also tells you to put the brush in your mouth before you turn it on so that the toothpaste doesn't fly away. It's a little awkward to do this and try to find the on/off button but you get used to it.

    Overall, this is a good product. Your teeth feel clean and fresh after you brush. I notice how clean my teeth feel even one hour after brushing. Great!

    Updated On: December 11, 2011

    P.S. After using the toothbrush twice a day for over a week now, I'm noticing that my teeth do look whiter than I started. That is amazing!!

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    December 08, 2011

    I had the opportunity to review this product as it was sent to me. I prefer it over other electric toothbrushes as it just vibrates instead of the head spinning around. I like that its slim and not chunky or heavy. I have sensitive teeth so the sensitive setting was a bonus. This makes brushing much easier, and the two different heads are awesome. The only problem I had was taking the head off I found a bit difficult at first, prob because it was new, but it was stuck for a bit. Its good now though.

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    December 07, 2011

    That one awesome toothbrush!!.

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    December 07, 2011

    I was able to get picked to review this item and was surprised by the difference this totthbrush could make. I did find it a little rough so I use the Sensitive setting. It does not foam up the toothpaste much but your teeth feel as clean as if you just came out of the dentist. The fact that the toothbrush has two settings is wonderful for people like me with senstive teeth. The toothbrush also lets you know when it is time to change sides so you brush thoroughly. It is expensive but worth it.

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