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First Aid Reviews

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21-40 of 116

US Pro 2000 2nd Edition Ultra sound

1 review

This home ultrasound machine is fantastic. It come with a very handy carrying case. I can honestly say, mine has never been in the case, as I use it daily. It is easy to use and light. I do recommend researching the best level to us even on your injuring I was using the high...
Watkins great outdoors burn cream

1 review

Love this product. It is a cream which we use on minor burns, insect bites, sunburns etc. Safe to use on kids and adults. We have one in house, motorhome, tackle box and in vehicle!!
Accuchek Mobile Blood Glucose Meter

4 reviews

I use this meter on a daily basis to check my aunts blood glucose levels as she has diabetes. It is accurate and so easy to use. I don't need to transfer any test strips as they are built into the machine in cartridge form. I simply use the attached lancet and then press her...
Infrared Thermometer by Equinox

1 review

When I was a kid, my mother had this little holographic strip thermometer, so I still feel like these 'no-touch' thermometers are very cool and modern. But, of course, the number one benefit of this is that you don't have to touch the thermometer against the sick person. This...
Solarcaine Medicated First Aid Lotion

7 reviews

I absolutely rely on this product. Being a cook as my job, I get many burns and cuts! And with a little of this stuff(little goes a long way!!) it just does wonders! Tingling pain from the burn instantly goes away! Heels up so nicely! Always have this on hand with me, at work...
3M Cavilon

3 reviews

I live the 3m Cavilon barrier spray, I always bring them to my hikes, camping trips or vacations. It doesn't sting and is perfect to prep prior to putting a band-aid.
Dr Scholl's Moleskin Plus Padding Roll

2 reviews

This stuff is a lifesaver. I use it for travel, breaking in new shoes, to cover blisters, to cover rough patches on shoes and even on my bras (to cover the scratchy parts). Too bad most places sell it in sheets and not as rolls. The rolls are much better value.
Medi Care Spray On 70% Rubbing Alcohol

1 review

Inexpensive and versatile - it is not only useful in first aid applications, but for many other things as well. I have used it for: Fixing broken eyeshadow, sanitizing makeup brushes, sanitizing powder makeup, deodorizing fabric, removing marker, sanitizing surfaces...
Equate alcohol swabs

1 review

I started using these for travelling for swabbing my ears before putting earrings in. Can be used if you have a cut or if you have diabetes for checking your sugar. I get a box very cheap and last awhile!
Styptic Pen

1 review

This is good to have in your home to seal cuts from bleeding. Also, good for hubby's little knicks when shaving.
BAND-AID® Brand Adhesive Bandages Paw Patrol, 20 count (assorted sizes)

192 reviews

These Bandaid brand Paw Patrol Bandaids were a hit. We have purchased multiple boxes. Pros: My young kid loved that the paw patrol helped “protect” her owie and was super willing to let me wash the area and put it on! Of course these are the bandaid quality so they work...
Dettol antiseptic

9 reviews

This really comes in use around my house a lot, recently started diluting it and uaing on my skin really helped clear up a lot of issues, i love the dettol brand it is quality and my must have in my life, thumbs up 👍👍👍
Aquaphor Multipurpose Healing Ointment, 50g tube

11 reviews

I bought this back in 2017 when my hands were extremely dry and cracking because I was washing a lot of dishes. I had tried so many lotions, but nothing was helping and I was starting to get a rash. A family member happened to have a small tube of this salve and immediately my...
Hawaiian Tropic After Sun Moisturizer Lime Coolada

8 reviews

GO AND BUY IT. This product is a staple for me. I bought it a few years ago when going on vacation, unfortunately got a bad sunburn but this stuff was the holy grail. Soothed my burn and moisturized!! Love love love this!
Tropic Sun Aloe Vera

2 reviews

The product was recommended to me by a friend. I have now been trying this a for over 2 years. It has a great cooling effect. You can use it on face also.
Aquaphor advanced therapy ointment body spray

11 reviews

First time trying a lotion ointment in spray, it’s just like aquaphor bur in liquid form... It was not bad , however I prefer the solid form and it also last longer.. I wouldn’t buy it again.

3 reviews

This is almost instantaneous pain relief for sore muscles. I find it also reduced recovery time after I fell and strained my arm. It works well when I put it on my neck if I have a tension headache
Band-Aid Waterproof Plus Antibiotic 2-in-1 with Polysporin®

3 reviews

Hi there hope you r well. I couldn't believe it when I took off the band aid my skin was all clear I was told that I would have a nice scar and nothing fantastic best I've ever used.Thank You Linda

4 reviews

I had one accident with steam and also I burn my arm it was so painful but thanks god for this cream has 3 Antibiotics and now my skin is recovering well.
webber vitamin E ointment

7 reviews

For the past 12 years since I've been getting tattooed, I have been using this whitemont to heal all of them. When using the Webber vitamin e ointment, the tattoos end up being brighter heal quicker no cracking and less peeling