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188 reviews
La Roche-Posay Ultra Micellar Water for Dry/Reactive Skin Reviews


Ultra effective make up removal yet ultra gentle cleansing. Tailored to dry, intolerant skin experiencing discomfort. Leaves skin feeling hydrated. Soothes and reduces redness and tightness.

You may also like La Roche-Posay Ultra Micellar Water for Sensitive or Oily skin.

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    March 12, 2017

    La Roche-Posay Micellar Water for Dry/Reactive Skin is the Most Gentle Micellar Water I've Tried!

    Note: This product was sent to me for free by Chick Advisor for their Review Club program.

    La Roche-Posay Micellar Water for Dry/Reactive Skin is my new favourite Micellar Water. I was currently using Simple Micellar, but I prefer the La Roche Posay since I've switched for this challenge. I received the dry/reactive skin formula due to having very sensitive skin that often breaks out in rashes with harsh formulas (even some clinique products) or reactive acne. My skin is either breaking out or very dry. I LOVED this formula because there was no stinging or burning on any part of my face, even on my eyes, which are the most sensitive spot. A lot of other products give me a rash on my eyelids, however I did not feel any discomfort when using this products, and I did not experience any dryness or redness the next morning on my eyelids.

    As for makeup removing effectiveness, I liked the product and found one soaked cotton round did the job for me most days, but someone who wears a LOT of makeup might need two. I felt that it left a little residue on my skin and I generally washed my face after using this as a makeup remover (which I would do with all micellar water products) but found that using this before and after working out was really effective at refreshing and cleansing the face just enough. I like to take off my makeup before working out with this and then using it again after to feel refreshed without stripping the skin. I find that this is enough to get me from after work until bedtime when I was my face fully.

    When I received this product I was in the middle of a nasty breakout and while using this, I found it was cooling and calming to my skin, and I did not find that it caused any worsening of my acne and did not cause any new acne. My skin has since cleared up more and the Micellar Water has not caused any breakouts.

    Overall, I like this formula most because it doesn't cause any burning or stinging when using it on the eyes as a makeup remover, and it is very effective, removing most of my makeup with one cotton round. It is very gentle and would be suitable for someone prone to rashes and eczema and does not feel like it strips the skin of any natural moisture. I like the size of the product and feel that the price at Shoppers was reasonable for the effectiveness and size. Even if I use this twice a day, it would still last me at least three months with the size of the bottle, which is larger than other brands. I would definitely repurchase this product.

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    March 12, 2017

    Before receiving this product I only used makeup wipes to remove my makeup. Not anymore. Even the most stubborn makeup products come off with the La Roche-Posay Ultra Micellar Water - especially my Jeffree Star Velour Liquid Lipstick.
    I love this product, I am so satisfied with it's effectiveness and the quality. It doesn't sting my eyes - nor does it have a harsh scent. It's a great product. I even used my boyfriend as a guinea pig (link below).
    I am so grateful to have received this product 100% free from ChickAdvisor and La Roche-Posay. Thank you for considering me in this amazing opportunity.

    #ultramicellar #micellaireultra

    FIRST IMPRESSIONS & REVIEW: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4ONpXeeVQ8

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    March 12, 2017

    I had no idea what to expect from the new La Roche-Posay Micellar Water and quite frankly I tried it without much expectation...well, micellar water is just a micellar water, right? Wrong! The one that I tried courtesy of ChickAdvisor was meant for Reactive skin and while it's gentle on the skin, it's a powerhouse at removing my makeup.

    I find it to remove my makeup and cleanse my skin as good as if not better than Bioderma. It also removed my mascara (I use 2-3 coats) easily and definitely much better than Garnier pink cap. While it does have a scent, take note that the Reactive Micellar water has NO fragrance however the one meant for Sensitive Skin does contains fragrance.

    I highly recommend this new La Roche Posay Reactive Skin Micellar Water, you don't need to use much, it's so gentle on the skin while very efficient at removing impurities.

    *I received this product for free through ChickAdvisor in exchange for an honest review.

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    March 12, 2017

    I received La Roche-Posay Dry/Reactive Skin Micellar water from ChickAdvisor to test and give my honest opinion.

    First thing I must say is; "where is this product all my life?" I have very dry skin and with this long stretched winter we have this year, this product is heaven to my skin. I did try this product out for over a week before writing this review so I could give this a fair try.

    I just use a cotton pad and put a few drops on it and it removes makeup with ease, even removes the dirt on my skin. The best part is, it does not leave my skin feeling dry like many other products I have used. It also does not irritate or leave any redness and most important, no break outs. Also, does not leave my skin feeling oily. I believe, I'm very compatible with this product. I will definitely re-purchased when I run out.

    I received a nice full size bottle and it does not take much products to remove my makeup so this will probably last me a while. I know the price is a little on the higher end for micellar water, but a bottle will last a long time.

    As for scent, it is very subtle to no scent at all so it is great for any of you ladies whom is sensitive to scent.After using this micellar water to remove my makeup, I must say it leaves my face feeling toned and refreshed. I highly recommend this product for any with dry/sensitive skin.

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    March 12, 2017

    La Roche-Posay Micellar Water is the perfect cleanser for the girl who's super lazy when it comes to a skincare routine! Confession: I'm that girl! I had been using Olay's pre-moistened facial wipes for years before recently switching to Saje's Zen Cleanser (which isn't as easy to to use as the facial wipes!) but had been eyeing micellar water after hearing from one of my besties that it's perfect for those days when you just want to fall into bed but know that you should probably take your make-up off first! So when I saw ChickAdvisor's La Roche-Posay's Micellar Water campaign, I knew I wanted to try to be a part of it, since it combined micellar water with a brand I knew had quality skincare products.

    That being said, La Roche-Posay Micellar Water is now the first kind of micellar water I've used! I have sensitive skin and have been recently dealing with a lot of random breakouts (which is extremely rare for me) so I was curious how my skin would react to La Roche-Posay Micellar Water for Reactive Skin. I anxiously awaited the package to arrive from ChickAdvisor and started using it daily since I received it! It has no scent (which is a plus in my book) and is super easy to use! I just moisten a cotton pad and then swipe my face with it and bam! I'm done!

    I don't wear much makeup, just concealer, eye shadow and eyeliner, but my face does seem clean after using. I especially like how it doesn't irritate my eyes or cause any blurry vision if I get any traces of it in my eyes. I docked one star from the review since while it gets rid of most of my eyeliner (currently Urban Decay's 24/7 eyeliner), there is usually some very minor remnants left over. I also found that my cheeks felt a little tight when smiling after using, though to the touch my skin didn't feel dry - in fact, my skin felt a little tacky after using. Not a big deal to me though since I just use it before going to bed. And the biggest plus is that my skin stopped breaking out once I started using this! However, the easy of use, and how it gets rid of most of my eye makeup (better than my Saje cleanser), plus how it doesn't causes any breakouts means that I will definitely continue using this product and will recommend it to my friends as well!


    Updated On: March 12, 2017

    La Roche-Posay Micellar Water is the perfect cleanser for the girl who's super lazy when it comes to a skincare routine! Confession: I'm that girl! I had been using Olay's pre-moistened facial wipes for years before recently switching to Saje's Zen Cleanser (which isn't as easy to to use as the facial wipes!) but had been eyeing micellar water after hearing from one of my besties that it's perfect for those days when you just want to fall into bed but know that you should probably take your make-up off first! So when I saw ChickAdvisor's La Roche-Posay's Micellar Water campaign, I knew I wanted to try to be a part of it, since it combined micellar water with a brand I knew had quality skincare products.

    That being said, La Roche-Posay Micellar Water is now the first kind of micellar water I've used! I have sensitive skin and have been recently dealing with a lot of random breakouts (which is extremely rare for me) so I was curious how my skin would react to La Roche-Posay Micellar Water for Reactive Skin. I anxiously awaited the package to arrive from ChickAdvisor and started using it daily since I received it! It has no scent (which is a plus in my book) and is super easy to use! I just moisten a cotton pad and then swipe my face with it and bam! I'm done!

    I don't wear much makeup, just concealer, eye shadow and eyeliner, but my face does seem clean after using. I especially like how it doesn't irritate my eyes or cause any blurry vision if I get any traces of it in my eyes. I docked one star for the effectiveness since while it gets rid of most of my eyeliner (currently Urban Decay's 24/7 eyeliner), there is usually some very minor remnants left over. I also found that my cheeks felt a little tight when smiling after using, though to the touch my skin didn't feel dry - in fact, my skin felt a little tacky after using. Not a big deal to me though since I just use it before going to bed. And the biggest plus is that my skin stopped breaking out once I started using this! However, the easy of use, and how it gets rid of most of my eye makeup (better than my Saje cleanser), plus how it doesn't causes any breakouts means that I will definitely continue using this product and will recommend it to my friends as well!


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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    March 12, 2017

    I really enjoy using La Roche-Posay Ultra Micellar Water for Dry/Reactive Skin. I have extremely dry and somewhat sensitive skin, especially in the colder months. I found it is an effective cleaner, makeup remover and a pretty good moisturizer, too. It's very gentle, my skin feels wonderful after using it, soft and not irritated. It doesn't feel at all harsh the way some cleansing and makeup removing products do. I didn't do an unboxing picture as the box was damaged, but the product was fine.

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    March 11, 2017

    #ultramicellar and #gotitfree. I find my skin routine at night has to be light because I work so hard all day that I am so tired at night. I have found this product a fantastic addition to my night time cleansing routine. Not only does it remove all of my make-up (and I do mean all!) but it leaves my skin feeling soft and refreshed. I like the fact that i don't have to scrub or rinse. Very effective will totally buy this in the future when I through this one. I got this product free to try and review by chick advisor. Thank-you chickadvisor!

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    March 11, 2017

    L’Eau Micellaire La Roche-Posay est différente des autre eau micellaire que j'ai essayée dans le passé. Elle n'irrite pas ma peau et je n'ai besoin que d'une petite quantité pour nettoyer parfaitement ma peau en enlevant toute trace de fond de teint, mascara et rouge a lèvre longue tenue. Cette eau micellaire est vraiment pensée pour les peaux sensibles et réactives. Il n'y a aucun parfum ,ce que j’apprécie. Ma peau est fraîche et propre sans tiraillement après utilisation.
    Je trouve le prix un peu élevé comparativement a d'autre démaquillants mais comme j'en prend si peu a chaque utilisation et qu'elle n'irrite pas ma peau, je la rachèterai surement! Je recommande fortement aux peaux sensible ! Merci a ChickAdvisor de m'avoir fait decouvrir ce produit!
    #gotitfree #micellaireultra #cadeau

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    March 11, 2017

    La Roche-Posay Ultra Micellar Water for Dry/Reactive Skin is very different from other cleansers.
    I found it to be very easy to use. Just one or two cotton pads depending on how much make-up I used for the day. It removes all my foundation and eye make-up. It's very refreshing and makes my skin feel very clean. I like that I don't have to rinse it off There is no fragrance which I really like. The Ultra Micellar water doesn't dry out my skin and also I have no bad reaction after use, like skin irritation. I just remove my make-up then put my night cream on and my skin feels great. The price is not too bad for a great product and I think I will purchase it again because it is so simple to use. I will let my friends know what a good product La Roche-Posay Micellar Water is. Thank you for letting me test this product.

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    March 11, 2017

    A gentle, high quality, all-in-one micellar water!

    I love that I could use this micellar water as a cleanser, make-up remover and facial toner. I used it in place of my usual cleanser in the morning and my face felt clean and refreshed. It didn't feel like it left any residue on my skin, and I didn't feel the need to wash my face after. It left my skin feeling soft and hydrated, which is a huge plus as my skin is very dry. I was able to use this micellar water to remove make-up from my entire face, lips and eyes included. It didn't take much to remove my make-up, and even removed waterproof mascara and eyeliner easily.
    I liked that it didn't cause any irritations to my eyes or redness to my skin. I also really loved that it felt like moisture was being added to the skin after using. I'm not sure if it is related, but the few bits of acne I had healed in record time while I was using this micellar water.
    I'd recommend this product to anyone with dry, sensitive skin who is looking for a high value (the bottle is huge!), high quality, highly effective, multi-tasking micellar water. I received this product for free from ChickAdvisor's Product Review Club in exchange for my honest opinion, and I'd absolutely purchase this product in the future.

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