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114 reviews
Crest 3D White Whitestrips Intensive Professional Effects Reviews


Crest 3D White Whitestrips Intensive Professional Effects are designed to deliver professional-level whitening comparable to a $500 laser treatment in 1 week, with visible results after just one use.  Apply for 2 hours daily for 7 days, following the instructions provided in the enclosed usage information.

Editor's Note: Some people may experience tooth sensitivity or gum discomfort when using whitening products – this is temporary and not harmful. If significant tooth sensitivity or gum discomfort develops, discontinue using Crest 3D White Whitestrips Intensive Professional Effects. This product contains peroxide, the same enamel-safe ingredient dentists use for tooth whitening. Extensive testing has shown the product to be safe when used as directed.

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    September 15, 2012

    I received these as part of the product review club from Chick Advisor and I loved it . I have tried some other strips before but i felt like this one is working faster. I'm not a fan of the dentist whitening treatments because i believe they are too hard on my teeth and once you start with them you have to do it on a regular basis. what i love the most about this strips is the clean feeling i get after using them. I'm actually thinking to use it about once a week just to maintain my bright smile that i achieved. totally a keeper.

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    September 15, 2012

    I have received this product to test as part of the Chick Advisor Panel. I was thrill to be accepted into this testing. I have recently priced whitening treatments and they all average in the $300.00 range. For about 60.00 this is well worth the money for a quick result. I was a little scared off about the tooth sensitivity but I really had very little only a very little amount on day Six of the treatment cycle. The strips are super easy to apply and they stay in place for the two hours. I was impressed right away. I really noticed a difference after day two, my teeth were brighter and whiter. I would definitetly recommend this product as a cost efficient way to safely whiten your teeth.

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    September 15, 2012

    I received this as part of the product review club.

    I have used other Crest Whitestrips before, but not these ones. And I must say - they were fantastic! After 2 days of using them I definitely noticed my teeth were whiter and brighter. They are very easy to use and I found they stuck to my teeth a little better than other whitestrips. I also found that the whitening of teeth was a lot more noticeable with these compared to other products as well. Very happy with the results!
    Like other people though, I did have a bit of gum sensitivity due to the fact you have to wear the strips for 2 hours. That would be my only dislike. While I did other things wearing them, that 2 hours still seemed like forever.

    I would definitely recommend this to a friend with the heads up that it may cause gum sensitivity. But if you need your teeth whitened in a hurry for something coming up in a few days, this is definitely the product you want as it works within 2.

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    September 15, 2012

    I was looking forward to trying this product out and have always heard good reviews about it.

    After the first day I didn't notice, nor felt any difference. After the 2nd day, my teeth did feel that sensitivity that most people get, but it only lasted for a day. It wasn't until the 3rd day that I actually noticed my teeth were getting brighter and that it was really working!

    Wearing the strips for 2hrs. seems a bit long, but it seems definitely worth it!

    I didn't know what the price was until I happened to check it out in the pharmacy. Super pricey!! Was not expecting it to be around 55 bucks!

    I definitely appreciate receiving this product to try out, so thank you Chickadvisor for allowing me to review this product!

    Just know that if you have some yellowness to your teeth, you're guaranteed to see a big improvement on your not-so-white smile!

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    September 15, 2012

    I received this product as part of the Product review club =]

    I would definitely recommend this product because yes i did see a result. however i realized that to use this 2hrs a day for 7 days straight would make my gums a little too sensitive. after the first 3days, i started to use them every other day. but i was still able to see the results claimed.application is easy and simple. it stayed on and didnt move about. however in comparison to the Crest 3D White Whitestrips 2 Hour Express i found that this was not the product for me. im satisfied with my 4 times a year haha. BUT if you have a special event coming up like a wedding, prom, etc etc i would recommend this 7day treatment bc it's for one greater result and two faster (in some ways)


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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    September 14, 2012

    I received this product from the ChickAdvisor Review Club. I always wanted to try whitestrips! My teeth are semi yellow, and I must say, I'm really impressed with the results! I was reluctant on doing the full 7 day treatment, but I'm glad that I did, because after 7 days, my teeth have gotten noticeable whiter and brighter. I experienced no obvious sensitivity throughout the treatment. This product works wonders, but I wouldn't purchase it unless I had a formal event to attend in the near future. The price of this product in stores are quite expensive. But it's definitely worth the money if you want quality results.

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    September 14, 2012

    So I was a bit scared at first about the sensitivity part... but it wasn't too bad. This is the first time trying one of these and I must say I am IMPRESSED.
    This stuff does work and work well. Would love to try some more... have to see how long this last.

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    September 14, 2012

    You betcha this is one to try, I swear my teeth look 2-3 shades lighter and brighter, great news for this 3 plus cups of tea a day plus maybe some wine. Worth trying before you pay over $100 for those of treatements

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    September 13, 2012

    I recieved the Crest 3D Whitestrips Intesive Professional Effects as part of the Chick Advisor Review Club.
    The first thing I had an issue with is to find the 2hr daily for 7 days to wear them. I work 12 hr shifts so it was hard for me, however if I only worked an 8 hr day I think it would of been fine. I did not want to wear them at work because eeven though they stick really well I found myself talking a little funny. The other thing I had an issue with was how it made my gum line very tender and almost burned.

    I did see a difference with this product. I believe if you can get over a bit of gum abrasion and the inconvienence of the 2 hr time daily to wear them, it is definately worth it. They do have the advanced seal as they claim to have; I had no issues of them slipping or falling off.

    I would highly reccomend this product to anyone who is serious about whitening thier teeth as this is by far the most superior product on the market at this time.

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    September 13, 2012

    I had received the Crest 3D Whitestrips through the Product Review Club (thank you!). I have used whitestrips before with good results but have never tried the Intensive Professional Effects variety. I used them the first time for the recommended length of two hours in the afternoon. After one use, my teeth were noticibly a bit whiter. That night I had trouble sleeping because my teeth were SO sensitive that when air passed by them it hurt. I had experienced sensitivity before with Whitestrips but it was not this intense. Using Sensodyne toothpaste helped ease the sensitivity. A tip for people experiencing sensitivity is to do a treatment every two days, but I continued with once a day as I had to post the review. By the end of the week, my teeth are very very white and bright. They were not too stained before but I am so impressed with the whiteness and the change from the Whitestrips. I have never had a professional whitening treatment done but the results I achieved were very drastic and I am very happy. The increase in whiteness is definitely greater than using other Crest Whitestrips which are not the Professional Effects variety. If you are looking for a drastic whitening experience I would definitely recommend these. A tip to keep them sticking to your teeth for the two hours is not to brush your teeth right before and dry them off with a kleneex before applying the white strips.

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