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112 reviews
Crest 3D White Whitestrips Intensive Professional Effects Reviews


Crest 3D White Whitestrips Intensive Professional Effects are designed to deliver professional-level whitening comparable to a $500 laser treatment in 1 week, with visible results after just one use.  Apply for 2 hours daily for 7 days, following the instructions provided in the enclosed usage information.

Editor's Note: Some people may experience tooth sensitivity or gum discomfort when using whitening products – this is temporary and not harmful. If significant tooth sensitivity or gum discomfort develops, discontinue using Crest 3D White Whitestrips Intensive Professional Effects. This product contains peroxide, the same enamel-safe ingredient dentists use for tooth whitening. Extensive testing has shown the product to be safe when used as directed.

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    September 14, 2012

    I received this as a ChickAdvisor Review Club member. I finished my box last night and all I can say is WOW WOW WOW! These come with a rather steep price tag but when I compare it to what you'd pay for a professional whitening treatment to the same level, it's a fantastic value.

    Did these noticeably whiten my teeth? Absolutely. I am more than satisfied with my results. I've used the 14 day strips in the past and I believe these whitened better. Not a WHOLE lot, but enough that I notice it.

    I want to address sensitivity. Yes, I experienced it, and for the first 2 days I will admit it was about a 7 on a scale of 1-10 for pain. I took a tylenol and got past it. By day 4, I noticed a big improvement, so I would recommend that if you do have it, to push through if you can because it seems like your teeth somehow get used to it. At least they did for me, and I sometimes experience sensitivity anyway.

    Overall I would definitely recommend this product, they definitely work as promised and now I am interested to see how long-lasting the results are.

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    September 13, 2012

    I received these Crest Whitestrips as part of the ChickReview program. I've tried regular Crest Whitestrips before but not these Professional Effects. Overall I was satisfied with the whitening power of this product. I could notice a significant amount of whitening. However, my teeth did feel sensitive while wearing the strips and for a few hours afterwards. But if you are considering a professional whitening these could be a great choice.

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    Recommended? Fugheddaboutit!
    September 13, 2012

    I received these as part of the product review club from ChickAdvisor. I'm glad I did not pay the $69.99 retail price tag. They did whiten my teeth but not to the level they claim to, and these made my teeth SO sensitive, that sometimes even breathing cool air through my mouth hurts. I found that while I had the strips on, my mouth felt almost numb. It was just not a good experience overall, but I am glad I had the chance to test them out.

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    September 13, 2012

    I received Crest 3D White Whitesrips intensive as part of the product review club. I am on day 4 now of a 7 days treatment and I've definetly noticed results. The strips stay on very well and are easy to apply. I do find that 2 hours is a long time to keep them on but I've made them part of my morning wake up routine so the time goes by fast. My teeth were sensitive after the first treatment but are fine now. I apply the strips before I brush my teeth and that helps a lot with pain and sensitivity. They are expensive but it would be a lot more costly to have my teeth whitened by a dentist so it's worth it. I will be using this product again, thanks for the opportunity Chick Advisor!

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    September 12, 2012

    I have used the Crest whitestrips and i must say i was very impressed with the results. My teeth look wither than they ever been! I even receive several compliments from friends about how white they look...yeah for me! Putting the strip wasnt that fun though, the process was a little boring to do but it was well worth it.

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    September 12, 2012

    Thanks to ChickAdvisor I was chosen to try Crest 3D Whitestrips Intensive Professional Effects for FREE :) Thanks a bunch!!

    So the day I got the box I went to the bathroom read the pamphlet and I too didn't know what was top and which was for the bottom. I think maybe a T or a B would have helped, but I figured it out.
    The taste was soooooo gross, hard to get passed...maybe add a mint flavor to help cut back on the chemical taste.
    After wearing for 2 hrs the first day I noticed that my bottom front teeth were really sensative with shooting pain from the top of the tooth to the gum line. The second day wasn't as bad with the pain but the taste was still nasty and made me gag quite a bit lol
    I did notice a difference in the brightness of my teeth especially after the 5th day.
    I would try again if they maybe changed the taste...for me it was really hard to get passed :(
    I will recommend to friends who don't want to spend a lot of money and get almost the same whiteness as the dentist.

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    September 12, 2012

    I got selected to review this product from ChickAdvisor, thanks again ladies ! :)

    I received the package and instantly ran upstairs, ripped open the box and pulled out one of the foil packages. Either the instructions are very vague or I lack common sense because I put them on the wrong way the first time around. I realized halfway through I had them on incorrectly and by then they were glued to my teeth. After about 1.5 hours I had to remove them I had sharp pains shooting through my teeth from the gum line down, ouch! I had a little bit of a hard time removing them which was stated may happen in the pamphlet that came with it. I found it you pulled the tab from behind the teeth first it was a lot easier to remove the whole strip.

    I found after the first use my teeth were slightly whiter. My boyfriend even noticed and he rarely notices things like that. They did leave a little bit of white spots behind on my teeth but that disappeared after a few hours. Later on that night my teeth were so sensitive I could barely even breath in because once the air hit my teeth those sharp pains were back. I also found I had a hard time eating certain things cause my teeth felt as if they were rubber for a few hours.

    The next day I tried them again. I made sure I put them on the correct way this time and after about 30 minutes the shooting pain came back, I removed them immediately. I repeated the next day and so on for 5 days straight. I found if I only left them on for about 30-60 minutes, my teeth weren't as sensitive after yet I still achieved a whiter smile. I still have 2 more strips left. I found this product worked great, a lot better than I even expected. I have a much brighter smile, that quite a few people have noticed. I would try these again but I would try to do them every other day and not for the whole 2 hours of time. I would also recommend these to anyone looking for a quick way to whiten without dropping lost of $$$.

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    September 11, 2012

    First of all, let me say that this product works. I noticed after the first use that my teeth were whiter. Of course, my teeth aren't really stained horribly either, but I could still see improvement. On the first use, I experienced a little bit of lower teeth sensitivity, but it faded within a couple of hours.

    But it got worse. Last night I used the sixth in the package and the effects of the sensitivity for my lower teeth has YET to wear off. I took the strips off nearly 12 hours ago and my bottom row still hurts. I can't even speak because the feeling of air rolling over my teeth makes it hurt even worse. It should be noted that I have NEVER really had issues with tooth sensitivity before (I say "really" because if I'm eating ice cream and I try to use my front teeth it stings a bit, but that's it).

    I use whitening strips once a year. Last year I used Crest as well, but it was a lower grade on the intensity level and I didn't have any problems at all. Of course, I didn't see such great results either. There WERE results, mind, just not as...well..."intense" as these Intensive Professional Effects.

    All in all, the product works, but you might have some pain WHILE it works. Then again, Beauty Is Pain.

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    September 10, 2012

    I was so very excited to receive Crest 3D White Whitestrips in the mail and so happy that I was chosen with others to review it. The packaging is so cool,like a triangle type shape at the corners of the box,this would catch my eye in any store. Then I just couldnt wait to test it out. I was surprised how easy the strips were to place on my teeth and how smooth it felt. And I thought,I would watch a movie on TV and by the time the movie was done,i could remove the strips. So easy,just peels off nice and smooth and when i rubbed my tongue across my teeth,it felt like i just went to the dentist. I noticed after 2 days the change of color to my teeth.I drink allot of tea and my teeth had light yellow stains...just enough to make me not want to show my teeth off....now,i can give a big smile and feel like everyone is looking at me like i am a movie star. Thank you ChickAdvisor for this awesome package,i surely reccomend it and now i will be looking in the stores for the next time i want to whiten my teeth.

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    Recommended? Fugheddaboutit!
    September 10, 2012

    I was lucky enough to receive these items as part of the Product Review Club. The pack came with 1 small set of instructions and 7 packs.

    The instructions I personally found lacking, and confusing. The instructions were more of a generic set of instructions they used with every type of product so you need to read them carefully to make sure you are following the correct instructions!

    You open the sachet, which contains 2 small plastic rectangles stuck onto a clear sheet, one for your top and one for your bottom teeth, apply to unbrushed teeth. These strips are very adhesive and stick onto your teeth very well, press along them with your finger to guarantee a tight stick. For me, this part was easy they stuck very well, and fit very easy!

    The bad part however, was the drooling. Almost immediately, I began drooling a lot. So much so it was actually dripping out of my mouth, I ended up sitting with a towel under my chin. But hats off to the product, it managed to hang in there through my river of saliva. I managed to keep it on through the 2 hours, and I finally peeled it off. It was a big tough to pull off, but it came off easily once I got it going. A little bit of residue was left on my teeth, so I gave them a wet brush to remove it.

    Instantly, my teeth felt smooth, and clean! AMAZING!

    Sadly though, that night whilst I was asleep, I woke up to severe and shooting pain down my front teeth, both top and bottom, the pain was so intense it woke me up. I got up took some pain killers, thinking nothing of it, then went back to sleep.

    The next day, I applied my second set of strips. I managed about 1 hour and 10 minutes before the shooting pain started again. I applied them exactly the same way as the day before, but this time the pain was unbearable. I took the strips off. The pain stayed with me for about 2 - 3 hours, and then again in the middle of the night I had a shooting pain waking me up.

    On the plus side, once again, my teeth were super clean, and looked a little bit lighter.

    After 2 nights of waking up with intense tooth pain, I decided these strips were not worth it for me. I read the box, and they mentioned some pain would occur but it would only be temporary, and they said the strips do not in any way damage your teeth. I do trust this explanation, and I do think this product really works, but pain especially in my teeth worries me.

    I am worried about permanently damaging my teeth, or making them overly sensitive, as much as I want white teeth I really cannot justify the pain. If the pain only lasted during the application I would reconsider, but being woken up 2 nights in a row with shooting pain is a problem which is interfering with my life.

    In short, the technology behind these is great, the product works well as directed, but the side effects are a deal breaker for me. My teeth are a normal off white colour, a bit yellowy and I have always dreamed of TV White teeth. This product would probably get me there, but the risk of havign constantly sensitive teeth is not worth the reward, in my opinion. I have been to the dentist many times, my teeth are in good condition, and according to her I do not have sensitive teeth or gums, so the fact I am having pain worries me even more.

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