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112 reviews
Crest 3D White Whitestrips Intensive Professional Effects Reviews


Crest 3D White Whitestrips Intensive Professional Effects are designed to deliver professional-level whitening comparable to a $500 laser treatment in 1 week, with visible results after just one use.  Apply for 2 hours daily for 7 days, following the instructions provided in the enclosed usage information.

Editor's Note: Some people may experience tooth sensitivity or gum discomfort when using whitening products – this is temporary and not harmful. If significant tooth sensitivity or gum discomfort develops, discontinue using Crest 3D White Whitestrips Intensive Professional Effects. This product contains peroxide, the same enamel-safe ingredient dentists use for tooth whitening. Extensive testing has shown the product to be safe when used as directed.

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    September 24, 2012

    First I would like to thank Chick Advisor for allowing my to test this Crest 3D Whitestrips Intensive Professional Effects. First of all I loved the fact that the strips stayed on for two hours and did not slide off at all. I found that I was seeing results after the second use. Even though it is indicated that it could leave teeth sensitive this was the only problem that bothered me as I found that I had to use the strips every other day in order for the sensitivity not to bother me to much. The sensation does go away though. I loved that my teeth were whitening and for the cost of what you could do at home compared to the dentist I found that it was great. My only worry is if it has long term effects regarding the senitivity in the future and with regular use. All it all, I think this definitely worth trying or buying as nothing stands out better that a nice bright smile.

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    September 24, 2012

    Crest’s 3D White Whitestrips Intensive Professional Effects do live up to its name to whiten your teeth in just 7 days. The kit includes 7 packets of strips and an instruction manual. Similar to other whitening strips, each packet in this kit has a top and bottom strip, which folds over the front and back sides of your teeth.

    I found the strips in this kit to adhere better than other brands, and yes, it does whiten your teeth in 7 days! The difference isn’t very dramatic but it is definitely noticeable.

    Like other whitening strips, these strips left a funny aftertaste in my mouth. It also started to get loose after half an hour, but I was able to minimize this problem by using one strip at a time instead of both at once. I thought that the 2 hour waiting period was a bit long, but perhaps that should be expected for a 7-day treatment which should only be used once a year.

    All in all, if you are looking for an inexpensive way (compared to going to the dentist) to whiten your teeth by a shade or two, I would recommend trying Crest’s 3D White Whitestrips Intensive Professional Effects.

    Note: I received this item to test over a 2 week period as part of ChickAdvisor’s Product Review Club.

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    Recommended? Fugheddaboutit!
    September 24, 2012

    This product does what it says it will. My teeth were noticeably whiter after just the first use, however I had to discontinue use after only two uses. I've never had a problem with teeth sensitivity; it is a rare occurrence for me to feel that tingly feeling after having something too hot or too cold. I tried this product in the evening, followed instructions exactly (they are very easy to follow), removed them, did some other stuff then went to bed. At the time I went to bed I had slightly whiter teeth (yay!) and my teeth felt normal. However, I was woken up several times throughout the night (probably about 3 or 4 times) to an extremely uncomfortable feeling of tingly/sensitive teeth. And it wasn't going away. It carried on throughout the whole next day as well. Only after going to sleep after that whole day did it go away (it went back to normal after that). I freaked out at first, but read the box thoroughly and because it said it was normal I thought I'd try the product a second time. I was hoping that perhaps after my first experience my teeth would get used to it. Sadly I experienced the same exact thing, and it was just as intense of a tingly/uncomfortable feeling as before, to the extent that it was difficult for me to concentrate at work. After that I refused to try any more as the consequences for me (a sleepless night and full day of feeling uncomfortable) was not at all worth it for me. I plan to give the rest to my boyfriend and am hoping he has better results. My suggestion is to not buy the most intense whitening one (my product was number 5 on a scale from 1-5, and is the most intense one you can buy). Like I said I never had tooth sensitivity problems before, but I would be curious to see if I would have any if I had tried a product with number 2 or 3 whitening. The product definitely delivers, the advance seal was great because it kept the foamy part from entering my mouth and easily made me forget that I was wearing the white strips. Overall however it just wasn't worth the discomfort it caused. So definitely use at your own risk!

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    Recommended? Fugheddaboutit!
    September 23, 2012

    The first 2 hours I tried the Whitestrips 3D White Professionnal Effects, I was impressed! I saw results right away. The strips are expensive, but high quality. They don't slip like others brands I tried, and you can drink because they stay in place. The second day, I had trouble keeping them for 2 hours, because it started to hurt... The instructions sheet recommended to stop for a couple of days, so I did, and the pain went away. But, for two days, it really hurt and I had trouble sleeping because of it. My teeth are sometimes sensitive when I eat ice cream, but I usually don't have pain like that. The results are impressive after just 2 days, so I definitely recommend it, but I will not continue using the products for another 5 days. If you have sensitive teeth, you should choose Crest 3D White Gentle Routine instead. It's what I used before... it takes longer to see results because you only use them 5 minutes a day, but I didn't have pain when I used those.

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    September 23, 2012

    I was one of the lucky product testers to give this product a try. I have tried many whiting strips in the past all claiming to whiten your teeth and with no fuss strips...well ladies ...drum roll...it does work...I noticed a difference after the first use. The strips go on easy and actually stay on for full two hours..side note make sure you are not hungry before you put them on or thirsty 2 hours is a long time. I would definitely recommend these strips. The price is a bit high but for a product that works and is cheaper then the dentist I am in. As the label suggests may cause sentitive teeth..I did experience this but it does go away....so little pain for a white smile. Hope you all give it a try. Thanks to Chick Advisor for letting me try this awesome product.

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    September 23, 2012

    I was fortunate enough to receive this kit as part of the Product Review Club. I was especially glad since the original price of $70 was a turn-off for me, and I would have probably been too skeptical to pick it up on my own, considering Crest's other Whitestrips only cost $30-$55. That being said, the difference in quality is very apparent.

    These strips held on much better than any of the previous Whitestrips, which was a definite concern considering these had to stay on for 2 hours, as opposed to the previous 30 minutes. They did not move around in my mouth and adhered quite well for the whole 2 hours. Also, the whitening effect was much more obvious after the first treatment. While I have never done professional whitening at my dentist, I think the whitening effects are much closer to that than any of the previous whitening strips that I have tried. The best difference is that this whitening effect is supposed to last for a whole year! While I can't attest to this claim, I do think that this effect will likely last longer than Crest's previous Whitestrips. If you think about it in terms of how long it lasts, than the price actually becomes more palatable and is in fact cheaper than the 6-month-lasting strips.

    The one drawback that I found was that it does cause tooth sensitivity. While I don't have particularly sensitive teeth normally, these did cause sensitivity to the point of being sore. I finished up the treatment though, and the sensitivity/soreness did subside. I also used toothpaste made especially for sensitive teeth which helped. It depends on one's own tolerance level whether you can put up with the sensitivity as looking at the other reviews, it looks like this is a pretty common side effect.

    Overall I loved the whitening effects and while the treatment wasn't always easy (2 hours a day without eating or drinking is hard to do! sensitive teeth), I thought it was worth it and I would do it again when I needed, next year.

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    September 23, 2012

    I received this item for free as part of the ChickAdvisor Review Club.

    I found these strips worked fairly well at whitening and brightening my teeth. While my teeth are not the supermodel gleaming white I hoped for, they have lightened a few shades and are definitely whiter.

    I didn't have a problem keeping the strips attached to my teeth for each two hour session, but the flaps meant to attach to the back of the teeth wouldn't always stick on. A minor problem because it didn't affect the effacity of the strips, but a bit annoying.

    My teeth definitely did become more sensitive when I used these. I had to stop using them for a few days as I had experienced shooting pain during one application. I started using them every other day, and my teeth were still sensitive but not overly pained. The sensitivity does lessen after a day or so.

    The strips didn't have a bad taste to me and when removing them, they didn't leave residue after brushing. I would say Crest has made a leading product in at-home teeth whitening and I would recommend this brand to others.

    The price is a bit high, but I do think the results are worth it if you want a gradual whitening affect (depending how often you use the strips). I would use these again to maintain my new, whiter smile.

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    September 23, 2012

    I was lucky enough to receive these crest white strips as part of the product review club, nice to be able to try them while they are much cheaper than professional whitening i would hate to pay this much (60-70) and have them not work! I found them easy to put on and they stayed put way better than expected for the two hours. I did find my teeth to be sensitive afterwords so i wouldnt reccomend them to anyone who has sensitive teeth! I did notice a huge difference after the first treatment, and even more as the treatments went on. Great results if you want to whiten but beware of heightened sensitivity!

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    September 23, 2012

    I was lucky enough to receive this product for free to try and review. I was excited about these strips as I had used many different Crest White Whitestrips in the past and was looking forward to see what the professional effects had to offer.

    Initially, I wasn't looking forward to the two hours a day for seven days treatment schedule. I will admit it was a commitment. Not wanting to leave the house with them on, and not being able to eat or drink for two hours was something I had to plan for. The strips themselves though have been improved since previous strips and stick much better and don't slide around like older strips.

    After the first treatment my teeth were so sensitive I thought about discontinuing the treatment. I don't have overly sensitive teeth and haven't had sensitivity in the past to strips but after the first day I was in so much pain. (I actually found it hard to sleep that evening) The next morning the pain was still there but decreased as the day went on so I decided to give another strip a try. Luckily, I didn't receive any further sensitivity so I was able to finish the treatment.

    After finishing I did notice a huge change in the colour of my teeth. They are much whiter and look great. I am also really excited about this colour lasting a full year! It is such a benefit to only have to use this treatment once a year!

    I would recommended this product to friends but I also really like the crest whitestrips 2 hour express product. 2 hours and lasts 3 months was definitely worth it.

    Overall, great product and they have made some improvements to their product that really make a difference.

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    September 23, 2012

    I received the Crest 3D Whitestrips for free to test. I had tried Whitestrips in the past when they first arrived on the market but found little success at the time but figured I would give them another try. I was pleasantly surprised with the results. I found that for the most part, they stayed in place for the two hours that I was required to wear them. After the 7 days, I saw a very obvious difference in the colour of my teeth. I had some yellow staining on my lower teeth that seems to be gone but please be aware that they will not alter the colour of any teeth with dental work. One of my front teeth had a crown on it and now it does not match the rest but I would highly recommend it for anyone with all natural teeth.

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