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192 reviews
Rubbermaid FreshWorks Produce Saver Reviews


The FreshWorks™ Produce Saver keeps produce fresh up to 80% longer. It is sized to optimally fit & keep produce fresher, longer. Dishwasher Safe, BPA Free.

Le contenant alimentaire FreshWorksMC garde les fruits et légumes frais jusqu’à 80% plus longtemps. Il a une taille optimale pour s’adapter aux fruits et légumes et les garder plus frais, plus longtemps. Lavable au lave-vaisselle, sans BPA.

Sold at/Vendu chez: Walmart, London Drugs, Canadian Tire, Save-on-Foods, Overwaitea Foods, & Real Canadian Superstore
    FamilyRated Reviewers' Choice Award™ 2020 ChickAdvisor Reviewers' Choice Award™ 2017
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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    June 23, 2017

    Fresher for longer

    I received the Rubbermaid Fresh Works Produce Saver for free from ChickAdvisor in exchange for my honest review. #gotitfree

    I am really happy with this Rubbermaid container as it really does keep fresh produce fresh for a long time! Now that it's summertime I like to go to the farmers market every weekend and buy a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables but sadly they go bad so quickly before I can enjoy them all which is a waste of food and money. With the Rubbermaid Fresh Works container I put in fresh strawberries and checked on them 5 days later and they were still fresh and perfect! That never happens before with other containers! That's when I realized how great this works! It helps save your produce and save your money! I would recommend the Rubbermaid Fresh Works produce saver to everyone who likes to keep their produce fresh!

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    June 23, 2017
    Alberta, Canada

    Works great

    I found finding this container a little bit of a challenge. No one seemed to have the first time around. But when I finally found it, it was a bit pricey. I am not 100% sure that I would pay this price for it. Other than that it works really well. I made salad for dinner the one night. The left over from it stayed fresh in the container for a few days. Which is really impressive. Most of the times it begins to wilt by the next day. But it stayed just as fresh as the night that I made it.
    Overall I really like the container but the price is a little high. #gotitfree

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    June 22, 2017

    J'achèterais ce produit

    J'ai reçu cet article en #cadeau et je suis très contente.
    Au départ quand je suis allée le chercher au Canadian Tire, je trouvais qu'il était dispendieux, environ 15$ avec taxes pour un simple plat. Quand je suis arrivée à la maison, j'ai mis des fraises qui étaient déjà légèrement avancées, pour voir à quel point elles resteraient bonnes longtemps.
    J'ai été agréablement surprise de voir que l'humidité était minime dans le plat grâce à tout ce qui a été pensé pour éviter de perdre nos aliments.

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    June 22, 2017


    J'ai reçu ce produit gratuitement pour le tester et c'est un format de 1.5 L. J'ai été agréablement surprise par l'efficacité du contenant. C,est la saison des fraises qui vient de débuter et un des problème que je rencontre souvent est la conservation au réfrigérateur de mes petits fruits. Dans un contenant régulier la condensation fait en sorte de gâter les fruits rapidement et ce même en mettant un essuie-tout. Si les fraises sont rangées au frigo sans couvercle l'apparence extérieure se détériore rapidement. Avec le contenant Fresh Work, même après plusieurs jours, mes fraises avaient l'apparence d'être fraîchement cueillies.

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    June 21, 2017

    Rubbermaid FreshWorks For Longer Lasting Produce

    Rubbermaid FreshWorks Produce Saver is a great fridge addition for anyone who finds that their produce goes bad too quickly. We try to eat healthy and it’s hard to keep our fruits and veggies fresh so that we can use them all up and not have any go to waste.

    So far that has not been a problem with the new Rubbermaid FreshWorks Produce Saver – our freshly picked lettuce out of the garden has stayed crisp and fresh for several days now. I particularly like how there is a tray for the bottom of the Produce Saver that keeps the bottom of the lettuce as fresh as the top.
    There are three different sizes for this and I tried the medium – I would recommend either the medium or large for produce or maybe the small if you just wanted to store some smaller fruits.

    While effective it is a bit pricey for plastic food storage but I would recommend it to friends and purchase it again. I received this Rubbermaid® product as part of ChickAdvisors Product Review Club #gotitfree

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    June 21, 2017

    The container that pays for itself

    I am so impressed with Rubbermaid Freshworks. I was selected to test a free product in exchange for my honest review. #gotitfree. I received a coupon for the medium size container.
    Timing was perfect, as fresh strawberry season started on the same day I picked up my container at Walmart. I picked up a basket of fresh strawberries, and what was not eaten immediately was divided into 2..half stored in I original container, the other in the Rubbermaid container. Within 3 days the regularly stored strawberries were looking old, wrinkled, not appetizing. The remaining fruit were plump, fresh-looking and tasted exactly like they did on the day they were picked.
    The container holds about 6 cups. I really like that the cover is not flush with the container, it is tented, so even if some fruit is over the top, it doesn't get squashed. Also, it is clear enough that it is easy to see the contents without opening the container. The square shape makes it easy to store in the fridge.
    All in all, I think this has been my favorite product to try. It exceeded my hopes and expectations. It will allow me to buy fresh produce at the Farmers market, and have it for a week, rather than either a second trip to the grocery store, or throwing out ruined fruits or vegetables mid week.
    I have already picked up a second container, and plan to buy the large container this week.
    There is a $3 coupon available, which helps to reduce the initial cost, which can seem pricy, until you realize how much it actually saves you.

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    June 20, 2017

    Je vais acheter les autres grandeurs assurer !

    J'ai recu freshwork gratuitement. Generalement je n'achete pas des plats qui coute plus que 3$ ! J'ai ete tres surprise de voir que sa garde vraiment les fruit et les legumes frais! Ils gardent leurs fraicheurs et leurs gout comme si ont venais tous juste des couper. Un produit a acheter vous ne serez pas decu :)

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    June 20, 2017
    Quebec, Canada

    Les aliments gardent leurs fraîcheurs !

    Je suis très satisfaite du plat FreshWork. Il garde effectivement les aliments plus longtemps avec une excellente fraîcheur. Je le recommande et j'achèterai les autres grosseurs.

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    June 20, 2017

    Great for lunches

    I take a lunch to work everyday so having proper protection for my food is key. I usually prepare my weeks worth of lunch on Sunday night so I really need something that will keep my food fresh for a long time. I love this product. It doesn't spill in my bag and it kept my lettuce in my salad very fresh

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    June 20, 2017

    Fresh and Crispy

    I redeemed my free coupon for Rubbermaid FreshWorks Produce Saver at Walmart. The price was $11.97 which is a bit pricey for 1 container. The larger ones were more expensive. I was not sure if I would spend that kind of money but it was nice to get it for nothing. I got some veggies ready for lunch today and kept them in the fridge over night and most of the day today. I cut up some red and yellow peppers. I find if I use other containers or zip lock bags the peppers become a bit soggy and not fresh tasting the next day. I was pleasantly surprized at lunch when I tried them. They were fresh and crispy and tasted as if I just cut them up. The container definitely works and keeps your food fresher longer. After using it I changed my mind about the price. It is definitely worth every penny and I will continue to use it for my lunches.

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