I always buy this when i go for groceries, i make sure we have stocks because my husband loves it. He said it makes his skin so soft and it smells good😊
Rafraîchissant est le premier mot qui vient a l esprit de mon ado quand on jase de ce produit. Il se sent propre, frais, ne laisse aucun résidu. Il l a tellement adoré que nous en avons déjà acheter une autre
Another one I will always reach for over anything else on sale or not. Smells fantastic my boyfriend has no choice but to use this scent I’m hooked on it
Ce produit es révolutionnaire! Il rend la peau douce et soyeuse au toucher! On peut l'utiliser autant sur le corps que sur le visage! Imaginez l'économie faite car plus besoin d'acheter un savon pour le visage a part. Je recommande ce produit!
Im a long time user of Old Spice products so I thought that Id give this one a try. Its smells great and has a good lather and doesnt dry out the skin. Id definitley recommened.
Dial for men is a product that is low in price and serves its pupose well. The orange smell is both invigorating and refreshing. It even leaves your skin softS!
I love this body wash so much. I had it shipped to me when I was based in Afghanistan I have sensitive skin and have never had any issue. I love the variety of scents and the deodorant. This has the perfect amount of scent and lather.
Hi, this product is really good. It feels silky smooth (like silicone). Seams to last for ages, as only need to use a tiny amount, even in hard water areas. I use it when shaving as it makes a lovely smooth slippery shaving gel. Also makes one feel really fresh. Just looking now...
The New AXE White Label products are amazing stuff! Mainly the ISLAND body wash and spray. Suits me very well and I will continue to buy this product over and over! It's still the same AXE that you can count on, but the White Label collection is definitely a nice change from the...
Feels great in the shower and lathers great on the sponge. I prefed dove men over other brands. Little more expensive than other brands but worth it really.
I just love the smell of old spice on my guys from the body washes, deodorants, colognes and after shave. They are not over powering like some other men's products out there and when your guy works in the health sector that means a lot
This is hands down the best scented body wash on the market. Can generally find this on sale, even when not on sale the body wash is very affordable. Top is easy to open not like some of the bottles you have to really pry open.
Purchased for me a am lazy on using many products, this is perfect for body & face , it’s very mild & simple fragrance Which he love , not that pricy, rather than spending on 2 products, #dovemencare #mencare #dove
Great product love the way i feel after showing after a long hard day of construction work it feel clean and fresh . My girlfriend loves the way it smells too.
My cousin loves the Men's Body Wash I purchased for him as part of hid Birthday gift. He loved how it lathered up great, the scent and how it left his skin feeling soft and no dryness or residue left on his skin. He went out shopping and bought the entire line of The Dove Men's...
Smells amazing, great quality had no issues, price point is good. And smells lasts all day! Would high suggest for someone wanting to try out a new and amazing scent.
Sage and minerals scent is phenomenal. Leaves skin feeling clean and refreshed. Great price and great value. I would definetly purchase this again and again.
I go back and forth with all the axe brand but it does have one the better smelling body washes, smells good at first but dont really last long after shower.
My hunny loves these! He uses it every day and replaces it about every 4-6 months. For Christmas, I usually buy two or three for his stocking. I find the Dove ones easier to find that the Axe branded ones, but quality wise I think they are interchangeable.