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102 reviews
Crest 3D White Multi-Care Whitening Rinse Reviews


Crest 3D White Multi-Care Whitening Rinse's unique, triple-action formula freshens breath by killing bad breath germs, whitens teeth by removing surface stains, and actually protects teeth from future stains.

For whiter results in just 2 days, try it with:
Crest 3D White Luxe Glamorous White Toothpaste
Oral-B 3D White Vivid Toothbrush

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    May 02, 2013

    This is my favourite mouthwash for sure. It makes my teeth so bright, and gives an amazing clean feeling afterwards. The price is a little steep so I only buy it occasionally when it's on sale, but a bottle lasts a long time and the effect is worth it!

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    May 02, 2013

    I really liked the Whitening rinse as it made my mouth feel clean but not dried out. I find most mouthwashes hurt and leave my mouth dry, which was not at all the case with this - I actually felt refreshed after rinsing with this product!

    With a wedding coming up I've been doing a lot of whitening and have been super conscious of my teeth. This has helped the process and I liked it so much I bought bottles of it for our wedding washroom kits so the guests can also enjoy it!

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    May 02, 2013

    I was chosen to review this as from the product review club and WOW! I LOVE THIS! In the past my issue has been that I don't like the strong alchol taste I got with other rinses, this was nothing like it! It tastes great, my teeth are whiter and brighter! This is a must buy for anyone!

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    May 02, 2013

    This rinse is a breath of fresh air and will leave your breath fresh as well! It's alcohol-free and you can feel it killing germs as you swish the rinse around your mouth. It's not overbearing or too strong to handle. Paired with Crest's 3D white tooth paste it is a match made in heaven. Both work quite effectively. I highly recommend this product!

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    May 01, 2013

    Thanks for allowing me to participate in the Product Review Club. I usually don't like mouth rinse at all because of the strong burning aftertaste. This multi care whitening rinse was the exception though. the rinse was smooth tasting and left no burn in my mouth. I feel it might be aiding in the whitening of my teeth, but i am also using the toothpaste, so it's hard to tell. i will, however, continue to use this product as it definitely makes my mouth feel fresh.

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    a FASHION reader
    May 01, 2013

    I love the no burning sensation of alcohol, the long-lasting freshness in the mouth. This rinse will be the recent addition to my oral care routine. the price is good.

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    May 01, 2013

    I received this product to sample from the Chick Advisor's product review club. I have been using it regularly (twice daily - morning and evening). I feel it works well to leave me with a clean, fresh mouth. The flavour is not too strong. I also see a difference in the whiteness of my teeth. I have also been using it with the toothbrush and toothpaste from the same Crest 3D White line.

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    May 01, 2013

    I liked this mouthwash as i didn't find it as overpowering as some of the others and that was probably the fact that it's alcohol free. I did see it in the stores and i think it's reasonably priced. It left my breath fresh. I don't think it made much of a difference on my teeth as i've only used it for a week but they do look slightly brighter.

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    May 01, 2013

    I received the Crest 3D White Multi-Care Whitening Rinse as part of the Chickadvisor Product Review Club, which included the Oral-B 3D White Vivid Toothbrush, Crest 3D Multi-Care Whitening Rinse, and Crest 3D White Luxe Glamorous White toothpaste. I have been using all three product for a week now.
    What I liked about this product is that I can actually swish it for 1-2 minutes without feeling like my mouth is going to burn off. It tastes kinda odd but I'm assuming it's because of the whitening ingredients, so I don't mind. When used along with the toothpaste it kept my teeth nice and shiny, with no yellowing signs, despite the ridiculous amounts of coffee and tea that I drink. I didn't notice any active whitening though, just prevention of further staining.

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    May 01, 2013

    *I received the Crest 3D White Multi-Care Whitening Rinse as part of the Chickadvisor Product Review Club *

    Thank you Chickadvisor and Crest for the opportunity to test and review the Crest 3D Multi-Care Whitening Rinse.

    My normal oral care routine was regular flossing,brushing( Oral-B pulsonic electric toothbrush),a regular toothpaste no particular brand and original Listerine mouthwash and using crest 3D whitestrips on a regular basis.My teeth tend to get moderately yellow and the crest 3D whitestrips certainly whiten my teeth but they do leave a yellow line right at the gum-line.

    I have tried a few whitening rinses in the past and always opted for the cheaper versions.I found they left a horrible residue in my mouth,they tasted horrible to rinse with leaving a bad chemical taste and left a terrible aftertaste.So I never used whitening rinses in my oral care routine.

    I have been using the Crest 3D Multi-Care Whitening Rinse for a week now along with the Crest 3D White Luxe Glamorous White Toothpaste and the Oral-B 3D White Vivid Toothbrush.I have been using it morning and night. I'm really impressed with this rinse and I now see you get what you pay for!This rinse is so much better then cheaper rinses.I seen results within a few days and major results within five days and it completely got rid of the yellow line at the gum-line that I was getting from using whitestrips....Now that's really impressive!

    I rinse as I mentioned morning and night,I rinsed as instructed for 60 seconds.It gently foams up and has a really nice fresh minty taste that is really refreshing.I like that it is not to mild as I have previously used Listerine which is very strong and contains alcohol.I found I didn't need that burning sensation to make my mouth feel really fresh this rinse provides just enough freshening.I love using it first thing in the morning to wake me up and start my day of fresh.I also had no sensitivity issues with with this rinse at all.

    I like the shape of the bottle its not to bulky like most mouthwashes and I like that the rinse is clear not neon green or blue colour but more natural looking.I found the switch from regular mouthwash to this whitening rinse no problem at all because of the minty taste I find it very similar to mouthwash.The cap comes off with ease.Most mouthwash caps are child resistant and are hard to open.For me I have no little ones around so I like the ease of opening this bottle.However if you have children I would keep it far out of reach.But its perfect for people who have arthritis in there fingers.

    When checking out the crest site I read that this rinse uses the same whitening ingredients as the Crest 3D whitestrips.It has a triple action formula that removes stains,kills bad breath bacteria and protects against future surface stains by creating a barrier on teeth.

    I seen major results within five days.My teeth are brighter,cleaner and really nice and white it really gives you a professional looking smile.I will be switching my routine now and using Crest 3D White Multi-Care Whitening Rinse and the Crest 3D White Luxe Glamorous White Toothpaste along with my Oral-B Pulsonic Powerbrush. Although the Oral-B 3D White Vivid Toothbrush was good I prefer my electrical toothbrush for optimum cleaning.

    I highly recommend this rinse and will be recommending it to family and friends.This will cut back my use of the whitestrips although I do still plan on still using those.But the convenience of this rinse makes it so much easier and quicker to whiten and clean you teeth.

    Thank You again Chickadvisor and Crest for the opportunity to test and review these.

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